Tuning Out
Yesterday I was telling you about my trip to Home Depot. The Hostas, remember. Most of the plants in the garden center were pretty sad. They had the sun loving plants in the shade and the shade plants blistering in the sun. Not a lot of perennials to choose from. I was looking for ground cover and found a flat of Mondo grass, but it was so sad looking. I could not bring myself to shell out $24 for plants that would need a lot of attention to live. At least Walmart will put them on clearance. But today I want to tell you about our meal. Longhorn Steakhouse. HeWho loves steak. I can take it or leave it. I was in a snarky mood as we entered. The man entering in front of us held the door for two ladies leaving and then entered himself. We came in after him. He blustered apologetically that he did not see me, and his face turned red. No big deal, no apology necessary. It's not like he slammed the door in my face. I said, "No problem, you were looking in front of you, not behind