A Christmas Trip Is Coming Up
Mr. BoJangles here. Things are happening here at our house. My Mom has not been feeling so good. Seems like things just keep happening to make her feel bad. First she was dizzy and then she broke her tooth! Then she hurt her back and couldn't even sit on the sofa with us dogs. She had to lie flat in bed and she told Dad she couldn't figure out what hurt worse her mouth or her back. She could stand up, so she could still cook and wash dishes. I need to tell you that I was glad she could cook and wash dishes. Dad tries, but what can I say, he is just not as good as Mom in the kitchen! His dishwashing is not up to Mom's standards. Toni told me that if someone asks you to do something you really don't want to do, you just do a bad job and they will not ask you to do it again. This is a secret between her and Dad. I don't like to keep secrets and I bet she won't ask me to again! I am a quick learner, don't you think? Mom was grating carrots and she got a bad cu