A New Look

 Another appointment today. For HeWho. He has another appointment on Tuesday. I had forgotten which was which .... me not being at the top of my game. You might recall that about 6 weeks ago vertigo paid a visit, then before that was resolved (still having episodes), I threw my back out and ate the tooth I broke. As we approached the medical buildings, I asked which one we were expected to be at.

The car slowed, as HeWho looked off into the distance. Given my luck lately, I figured he was either deep in thought or having a stroke. No stroke, but no matter how deep he dived into his mind, he failed to be able to tell me where we were supposed to be. We were closest to the cardiologist, so we stopped there first. To the great amusement of the staff, we were at the wrong office. Why is this funny? Because he has missed the last THREE appointments. She was giggling as she asked if she should print out another reminder. I told her I was in control now and promised to have him show up on Tuesday.

At the vascular surgeons office he had a study of his leg vessels done. The results were really good. Blood is flowing well in both legs. He still has calf pain in his right leg, but that is to be expected. An area of his left leg is still numb and may always be, as nerves were cut in that area. No big deal, it does not affect his walking or the strength in his leg.

He is sporting a new look, thanks to our brother-in-law, Ronald. His beard needs some attention, but I like the hat, he looks rather dashing, don't you think?


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I do have excellent taste, after all. I guess I will keep him.

  2. I like HeWho's beard. Hick has grown his chin part into a point, and is always pulling on it. He's no ZZ Top member.

    1. This one is getting too thick and bushy, time for him to visit my hairdresser!

  3. I had never seen a picture of HeWho. He is a handsome man, and wears the beard well.

  4. I like the hat. I like the beard, too, but it needs a serious trim. I hope you know a good stylist.

    1. My stylist will trim it up nicely. She did for my son's wedding and it looked really nice. I am the one who usually trims it along with his hair, but I don't feel like it now!

  5. He looks cool tho.
    I just shared a new post and would love for you to check it out. Thanks a bunch!

  6. He does look very nice, the beard suits him.

    1. He does, doesn't he? The beard does seem like his trademark now.

  7. my husband grew beard for the first 20 years or so of our marriage. he let it get long and bushy though which I didn't really care for and then one day out of the blue he shaved it all off and has been clean shaven since. I like a short beard on a man and by short I mean about a half ince.


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