Snow Bound?
We lived in Minnesota for nearly 12 years. Some years it snowed more than others, but we were never unable to get out of our driveway and go wherever we might want to go. Of course, you expect snowstorms when you live that far north. There are snowplows and salted roads. You might need to clear your driveway, but roads are passable, stores are open, schools are open, and life goes on. It has to be really bad to close everything down.
The snow started falling yesterday and within a few hours I looked out the window to see a winter wonderland. Snow can cover a multitude of sins! No visible dog poop in your back yard is always appreciated, even though you know it will still be there with a good thaw. The dreary winter gardens are suddenly beautiful. The air is fresh and all you want is a hot cup of ....., well whatever.
Being a homebody has its advantages. We made a trip to Walmart before the storm to fill our water jugs. Not because we expected to be stuck at home for an extended period of time. No, we went because it was time to fill the 3 gallon jugs that were empty. We have 4 of them and when you put the last one on the water dispenser that takes up valuable real estate in your minuscule kitchen, it is time to fill the other three.
On the way to Walmart, we were behind the school bus, and I was disturbed to see two little boys exit the bus in shirt sleeves, no coat, and the sleeves were short. I am willing to bet that their dad let them go to school like that! HeWho dropped me off, then filled the tank with gas while I took my short list to fill a cart.
He fills the water, and we are usually done about the same time. The grocery section was packed with shoppers and the store associates with those big carts filling orders. The shelves were emptying quickly as people were grabbing things in a frenzy.
I got the last container of hot chocolate and noted one woman with SEVEN gallons of milk. "Milk is perishable", I wanted to say. I didn't, she had a crazed look in her eyes, and I saw her meet up with her companion, his cart filled to the brim with cereal boxes. Well, we know what is on their menu for every meal!
We paid for our purchases and drove home. Ate our dinner of leftover and went to bed. If the power fails, we have a generator. We have a gas heater and a gas stove. No oven, but I can cook without power. Not really worried. We still have power and TV and internet. What more could I want? I am content to stay put until the temperature rises.
HeWho acts like we have been house bound for a month. He decided he needed to go buy salt for the driveway. Why? No idea. But he can't get up the icy driveway. He stayed out there in the cold and finally inched his way to the top with my car, not his 4 wheel drive truck. I worried about his return, imagining my car sliding down the driveway and hitting either the truck or the RV. He could not find salt and had to leave my car at the top of the drive and walk down. He walked through the yard in front of my She Shed to keep from falling on the driveway.
So, for the next few days, here we are. Me, quite content. HeWho is my husband anxious to leave.
Me? Nope, nope, nope. Not going out in that.
ReplyDeleteHeh, heh! Risking the icy drive to go get salt to put on the icy drive! I could understand better if HeWho was risking the icy drive to go get some lottery tickets...
ReplyDeleteI hope you guys stay safe and warm! Folks buying up all the milk etc is so sad. Everyone needs to get groceries, folks should not hog it all.
ReplyDeletei hope you and he who are ok! I know tons of places are getting snow, Val is snowbound again this week too.
ReplyDeleteMy late husband used to love to challenge the conditions--which drove me crazy. I would just sit inside by the fire with coffee and a book!
ReplyDeleteWas wondering how y'all were. Happy to see you commenting on Allison's (my wife) blog today.