Baby Love
Just look at how much the babies have grown! They will be one on the Jan. 1st. They only fuss when they are tired and Lord knows they are getting enough to eat! Josiah is the serious one, you can almost see him thinking. His solemn expression just melts my heart! Big sister, Karagahn, in the background. Jonah is a busy little fella and takes more convincing for a nap! His little face is full of mischief and he laughs a lot. They will be walking soon. Jonah has no trouble navigating and looks for trouble to get into! Josiah likes to be held and talked to. He is so serious! Such a cutie! I am smitten with them. Our niece, Whitney, holding Josiah and standing next to big brother, Easton. Easton had a stick in his hand and I think Josiah wanted to study it. Whitney can pick both babies up at the same time. Made my back hurt everytime she did it! I kissed fingers and toes and tickled little tummies. It was heaven! Would have been a lot better without the tooth pain! We came home early be