The Season is Upon Us


You may recall me mentioning the house I saw, or should I say see, everytime we head down the highway. The black plastic has been in place for over a year. Looks like they may have intended to add on, but I don't know what happened to the side of the house. I first noticed it after a storm that blew down a lot of trees. Maybe it damaged the side of the house and they then decided to take advantage of an opportunity to add on to the existing structure. Or maybe they took the side of the house off for an addition.

It is a cute little house in need of some attention to the outside, maybe paint? Maybe they started and ran out of money or other circumstance that prevented moving forward? Who knows?

You can see the RV behind the house where they or someone has taken up residence. Things happen and plans change. Just odd that they would take the time to decorate the front of the house. Too bad they did nothing to the landscaping. Costs very little to mow and trim and rake. assuming they, or someone there is able to take care of the yard. Obviously someone can decorate ...

Located on the main highway heading east and west, it is seen a lot. Not a big home, but I envy the fireplace if that chimney is any indication of what is inside. I don't think I would like living so close to a road with so much traffic, athough there are no neighbors close by. My mind is planting shrubs and flower beds and plotting a vegetable garden in the back.

I counted 15 abandoned houses and businesses along the way to Blairsville. I always wonder what happened. Did the owner die and leave it to relatives who are just paying taxes and hoping it will increase in value? Was the place foreclosed upon and they just walked away? One house has farmhouse chairs hanging on the front porch, like someone will walk up and take down a chair for sitting a spell. Some of them are dilapidated beyond repair, with the roof falling in. There are no neighborhood associations to dictate the removal of unsightly structures in rural areas.

All fodder for my over active imagination as I ride along with the man who does not converse while he drives. My back is cooperating with healing for the most part. The weather is great and condusive to outdoor chores through the weekend. I will be loading the RV today. Or, rather I will be gathering and instructing HeWho to carry everything out to the RV where I will be securing the load for travel.

As I settled in to read email and other blogs this morning with my freshly brewed cup of coffee, Mr. BoJangles decided to run across my shoulders and ultimately startle me enough to knock my very hot coffee over and onto me, the laptop and the sofa and down my leg.

My mouth still savoring that one sip I had and waiting for the second, I moved pretty fast for a dizzy old lady! Bo ran to hide behind the recliner with Toni Louise and she snarled at the invasion, while Eddie sat on the ottoman with his sweet eyes downcast, thinking I was mad at him. He always does that, just looks so sad at me. Melts my heart and brings my blood pressure down. I yanked the slip cover off and will be employing the washing machine more than I had planned today.

Eddie is snug against me now, satisfied that he was not the culprit and Bo is prancing around like he may have done me a favor by bringing me fully awake. Toni is still waiting for her master to grace us all with his presence. One would think the commotion with the coffee spilling would have wakened him. He really can't hear.

The second cup of coffee is empty and between the steroids and the caffienne I am ready to conquer my tiny world!


  1. Now you have me wondering what the real story is about that house!

    1. Me, too. They had a sign up discouraging visitors, or I might have knocked on the door and made up some story about the decorations catching my eye.

  2. Well... from the front, that house looks festive. Maybe they were renovating the house, and their carpenter got locked up. That happened to us when we opened up a six-foot section of wall to make a computer alcove in my $17,000 house. Thankfully, our guy was only in the county jail for the weekend, due to a bar fight. Hick was working six days a week in the city, gone from 5:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., so couldn't fix it himself.

    1. So many things come to mind that could explain the lack of progress. It just seemed odd to put up decorations.

  3. A woman who cleaned for us lived with a blue tarp across the back of her house for several years. Her contractor husband just never got around to it. Then he did, and got it finished in short order, only to divorce her and put the house on the market.

    1. Living with HeWho and his tendancy to leave things when he loses interest makes your story resonate!!

  4. I imagine that tarp is properly waterproof, but think the house wuld be very cold inside.

    1. I would think it would be very hot in the summer and very cold in the winter, but I think they are living in the RV behind the house.


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