Yesterday was a doctor visit day. A follow-up to our blood work. It is always fun to watch a new health care provider when they read the report of HeWho's cholesterol. They generally freak out and begin to question him about his loyalty to his drug regimen and his diet. When we moved to Missouri and went to our first visit with the doctor there, he did just that. After that first visit when he realized that HeWho had no clue about his prescriptions or his diet and was prone to agree to anything, then not do it; he didn't bother to chat with him about the results. He called me instead. I wasn't always available to accompany my husband to his visits then. After the third visit he called, and we discussed the results. Joe (Dr. V, also a camper) sighed and said, "I guess this is about the best we can hope for." Knowing this, imagine my utter amazement to discover that MY cholesterol was high! My good cholesterol is good, my bad, was BAD. After refusing to take the L