More Gardening
Here you see what is left on the trailer, the big boulders that were moved to where I didn't say to move them and the pitiful looking daylillies I bought. The woods behind the trailer are not part of our property. That doesn't mean I won't venture in and clear the under brush if I take a notion! The boulders were supposed to be placed further up the drive and not dumped by the garden bed. I had to layer more cardboard and then use the daylillies to fill the area between the boulder and the garden. I knew better than to expect the men to simply do what I said! I gave the man with the plants $20. He was selling them for $2 each, but he gave me 27 in the big clumps. He also gave me 8 yellow iris as a bonus. They look sad right now, but should snap back to bloom this year. The pansies are loving this cool weather. I rescued them from clearance and they were looking so sad in the dry dirt in their tiny pots. I deadheaded them and gave them a big drink of water the night before