Maybe .....

 Easter Sunday and I can't go to a church! I am so sick and don't want to spread my germs. I finally have the headache under control by dosing myself every four hours with Tylenol INTENSE flu meds. I seem to be able to navigate inside my tiny space very carefully, lest a sudden movement bring the headache back. I tried to wake the master of the house at 2 am Saturday morning to take me to the hospital. He either ignored me or didn't hear me.

I tend to think he didn't hear me, being hearing impaired and his aids on the charger. He probably would have happily taken me anywhere to avoid hearing me cough all night ..... oh, yeah, he can't hear. He is trying so hard to be sicker than me, but refuses to to take anything for the symptoms. 

He moaned and mumbled all night and occasionally coughed. Not the same cough as me. Mine was the cough that was so unsatisfying, though I think I may have coughed up my toenails. My inner ears hurt and the headache was so very intense. It felt as if my skull was an echo chamber and every little sound was bouncing around inside my head. I would have cried, but know better from past experience. I smothered my loud coughing inside my pillow in an effort to spare HeWho can't hear anyway. I took my temperature Saturday afternoon. It was 99.something. That is a fever for me, since my normal temp is 97. 

Just the touch of Bo or Eddie made me want to launch them across the room, but I just moved myself to the foot of the bed and curled into a fetal position under what felt like a square inch of quilt. Most of the bedcovers were on the floor on the HeWho side of the bed (he was just trying to stay warm).

Let's all recall my ministrations to the sick man after his surgery and hospitilazations. Okay, remember? That was not reciprocated. He did go out and get the orange juice and Tylenol flu meds I requested, but only the daytime formula. No need to tell anyone, but I was very specific when I requested the nighttime formula. We already had the daytime formula. Was I pleasant and understanding when I discovered his mistake? No, I was out of patience and cried as I stomped off to bed, making snot clog my nose and garble my words. Eddie lay delicately beside me, not touching me, but within reach.

It occurred to me that my dog is more understanding than my husband and I wanted to get out of bed and tell him, but could not come up with the necessary energy to sit up, much less walk. Even Bo, who is not a respecter of space has been letting me be.

I am happy to report that before the cold front came through and this germ invaded my body, I did get some gardening done. I looked out the window to see that my container garden is thriving. Green beans, peas, wax beans, onions, carrots and yellow squash are coming forth. My apple tree is budding and up the drive a lot is happening.

I managed to get a flat of impatiens in the ground and mulch them in. As I was mulching, I lay a layer of tiny seeds, thousands of them under the heavy layer of black mulch. I still need to line the other side with rocks. Not bought rocks, but I will find them as I go about getting my yards in shape. There are always those that the frozen ground will purge over winter. The surrounding area will be mulched with red.

The picture does not do the pansies justice. I rescued a 6 pack from the clearance aisle and they are coming back to life. Some plox, as well. The phlox will fill in that area soon.

I must be feeling better, since I am into the fifth hour of the last dose. I am almost lucid! I did watch a video of the chihuahua that has broken the record by giving birth to 11 puppies! The sun is out and I long to be outdoors. Maybe .......


  1. Hope you feel better soon. In the meantime, maybe take a chair outside and sit in the sun?

    1. I was going to take your advice, but the sunny day also had a chilly wind. Although I did read that shivering is a great calorie burner ....

  2. There is a terrible bug running though the population here. Get better and hope you can't catch it twice.

    1. I am beginning to feel almost human. We were going to visit an old church we were invited to at our favorite diner. The congregation is said to be all old people. I was looking forward to this, as I need to find a suitable playmate for HeWho walks around diners striking up conversations.

  3. Sorry for your sickness. I still can't figure out what gave me the 101.2 fever a couple weeks ago, along with nausea. No snot or cough. I was over it in three days. Hope you're on the mend, and can properly give HeWho a piece of your mind. Too bad Eddie can't drive or purchase meds! I'm sure he would take better care of you.

    1. Oh, he got more than a small piece of my mind! I let him have it with my squeaky voice, not that anything changed! I also had nausea and loss of appetite. Once the fever broke, I have been slowly improving. But eating has been a challenge. I will think something sounds really good and after a bite or two I am done. I never try to cure a loss of appetite, thinking this is the silver lining of my ailment. I do force toast down in the morning to swallow my meds. You are right about my Eddie. He is such a sweet little guy. I wish HeWho showed half the devotion !!

  4. I was reading through this right after reading Bless Our Hearts where Mary is also sick and a niggle in my memory sent me to google. Is it possible you have contracted Legionnaires Disease? Ask your doctor to check for it. Have you been wearing a mask when handling potting mixes and bagged mulch? this is often where people get it from.

    1. I try to never google my symptoms! Too scary! But, you never know. I have been tested for everything else since receiving my Medicare benefits (benefits I paid for with a lifetime withdrawal form every paycheck). I am feeling much better today, still avoiding people since I don't want to pass the germ along. I will be hanging a mask next to my garden gloves for future play dates with my passion!

  5. I am so sorry you are sick. What variety of tiny seeds did you plant under the mulch? Your garden is going to be lovely when it takes off.

    1. Impatiens, since it is in the shade. I had planted petunias there last year, but they needed more sun. I also planted a flat of mums there at the end of the season and so far, eight have come back. Every day is like opening a gift when plants pop up that I had totally forgotten about!

  6. sorry to read you've been so sick and I hope you are better now.

    1. Still not well, but on the other side of the bad part. I can handl just about anything but a headache!


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