Eddie Ails


No, it is not Eddie writing today. My baby is sick and I am so worried about him. Going to see the vet tomorrow. I thought he felt hotter than usual, but I was sick and didn't trust my evaluation. Today his right eye is full of crud and he is lethargic. He is still suffering from the allergy that causes him to itch and his fur is falling out at an alarming rate.

I bathed him awhile ago and had to clean the hair catcher in the drain three times before I got him sufficiently rinsed. The bath was a lengthy affair as I left the lather to sit on him for the recommended 15 minutes. He will usually get restless and shake ferociously covering me and everything within sight with dog shampoo. Medicated, expensive dog shampoo. The formula is specifically for the issues Eddie suffers from. It is not unpleasant smelling, but not good smelling either. Today he sat down wearily and just waited for me to finish his rinse cycle.

He has a few "hot spots" that seem to bother him the most. I have tried everything recommended by the vet and he is currently taking a daily dose of Claritin hidden in a gob of peanut butter. All three dogs will rush to the kitchen the minute they hear the pill bottle rattle.

I am better, but not as better as I thought I was. Bathing Eddie took all my energy today and is the only thing I accomplished today. Now I am parked in front of the TV wondering how much effort it takes Pat Sajak to act like he really is interested in what the contestants have to say. I am in a cynical state of mind.

HeWho annoys me is particularly annoying today. Still sleeping late and napping all day, he has taken to mumbling in his sleep at night. Not constantly, just enough to startle me when I am dozing off. He has told me before that I should wake him up and tell him when this happens. I did. It did not go well and he doesn't even remember it today. Yet he swears he didn't sleep at all last night, that I was talking in my sleep. Hard to talk in your sleep if you are not sleeping. I was mocking him. So, he DID hear me!

He is not a challenge to catch in an untruth. I should have been an attorney, I would rule the cross examination! Am I suggesting that I can outsmart my husband? It is what it is. Now I will wait impatiently for tomorrow to arrive to see what the vet has to say.


  1. Replies
    1. I gave him a nice bath last night and he seems to be more comfortable this morning, just waiting for a call back from my vet now. He has such soulful eyes when he is not feeling good and he will just stare at me like he is asking for my help.

  2. Sending healing thoughts for both you and Eddie.

  3. I hope Eddie only has something mild and easily fixed.

    1. His skin condition has been going on for some time, but it seems to have spread by 50% while I was so sick. Then the eye .... I am sure the eye will be easy, but I see some $$$ in medication for his allergic skin that will be a lifetime thing for him, as we have exhausted all the simple fixes, HeWho might have to give up his expensive chewing gum habit and I might need to cut back on my plant spending, but Eddie will get what he needs!

  4. I will be thinking about you and Eddie tomorrow. Hoping your vet will be helpful!

    1. Just dreading the bill! Poor Eddie is high maintenance! My sweet Cujo rarely saw the vet for anything other than vaccinations, same breed, though. Funny how that is!

  5. sorry to hear about Eddie. before I married the first time, we were living together, I was in school, he had a job. One time he asked me to make sure he was up before I left so he wouldn't be late to work. so, as I was ready to leave I woke him up, he assholed me so I left. he went back to sleep and was late for work and then got mad at me because I didn't wake him up and made him late for work. we had a few words about that. don't asshole me first thing in the morning. you won't like the result.

    1. I announce the time and simply remove myself from the room. My daughter has informed me it is my own fault for doing so much for him. It used to be reciprocated, but now he just assumes less and less responsibility for himself, much less thinking about anyone else. He is involved in trying to be sick with whatever bug I have and convince me that he is sicker than I ever was. Not a contest I will participate in, besides the fact that he is forcing a cough and proclaiming random pains throughout his body. Making me think a good punch in the face might just do him some good!

  6. Poor Eddie. He looks sick as a dog in that photo. His picture could be in an old-timey dictionary next to that expression. Hope the road to recovery is as short as his little legs.

    1. He looks so forlorn! Makes you want to comfort him, doesn't it?

  7. I hope Eddie is better, and you are , too.

    1. Still wonky headed and all the pollen floating in the air doesn't help, but staying inside is not happening.


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