I Should Carry my Birth Certificate in my Pocket!

 Being absent from my computer for a few days, I am feeling like I need to catch up. You may recall my anticipation of getting a driver's license last week. An appointment was made way back in January. We had to go to Andrews for the big event. Rumor has it that prior to the pandemic one could actually obtain a North Carolina license in Hiawassee, Ga. We were baffled, as well. It was a satellite station and there for the convenience of those North Carolina residents that lived closer to Georgia than any cities in NC.

HeWho fancies himself to be a reader of words assured me that all that was needed to obtain this license was our current Missouri license and proof of residence. I tucked said evidence in my purse. The power bill should suffice, but I stuck two other pieces of mail with our names on it in my purse ...

He actually read aloud to me that was ALL we needed. He was wrong. We needed either a certified birth certificate or our social security cards. We did not have them. Our new appointment is in late June. When we moved from Minnesota to Missouri all we needed was a piece of mail and our MN license. Same when we moved from Florida to Minnesota and from Georgia to Florida. I do have the needed documents in our safe. You know, to keep them safe.

That day was a total waste of time and precious fuel! Other annoying consequence of moving was our prescription insurance. No problem with our supplemental health insurance or Medicare. Since our RX coverage was with Humana MAIL ORDER, I did not think there would be a problem until I called and changed our address while ordering refills. This action took over two hours on the phone and being transferred endlessly from one department to another. I provided them with all the necessary information and patted myself on the back for handling another task.

Imagine my surprise when I received a letter of termination from Humana. The reason being the new address. I called and spent an hour of my life I will never get back in search of a reasonable explanation. I was told I was out of their contract area. It is MAIL ORDER. They mailed my refills here after I changed my address with no problem. Not to mention that they could have enlightened me on the day I changed the address.

With the termination date looming large in my future (March 31), we contacted our agent in Missouri for advice. He assured us he would look into the change and choose a comparable carrier and sign us up. We did the e-sign thing and patiently waited for the new insurance cards to arrive. They came last week.

Just guess which company holds our new policy. Some of you may have said (in your mind), "surely not Humana". You would be wrong! New ID number, that's all. Will I be using the mail order option? No, I will not. 

Just got home from Walmart. They filled my RX and will even mail it to me if I choose and it was relatively painless. As I chatted with the pharmacy tech as she entered my insurance info. Told her I used to work in a Walmart pharmacy in Minnesota and they offered me a job. I graciously declined to take them up on the offer. I am retired!


  1. Drug plans are just the work of the devil. They're capricious and I just love the fact that they can remove stuff from the formulary just because they want to. When we moved to NC in 2007, we had to take the written test. Our license from out of state was not enough.

    1. I will be in trouble if I have to take a written test! It has been a long, long time! What is so annoying about the Humana issue is that moving just made them issue a new card. I will not be using the mail order. Walmart is an approved pharmacy, though not convenient to us. We have to go frequently to fill our water and such, so I can get my RX at the same time, or they will mail it out with just a phone call.

  2. I had opportunity to vent to a friend today on how much my prescription drug policy had increased. Too much!

    1. I had high hopes for some legislation about the high cost of drugs and insurance with Biden. Seems like nothing will get done as the two parties seem intent on playing games.

  3. I don't understand why a drivers licence is not able to be used nationwide. It's the same here in Australia, each state has their own. If you are merely visiting, your licence is okay, but if you move permanently to another state you must get a new licence from that state. It's ridiculous in my opinion. Changing countries should be the only reason to get a new licence.

    1. From your mouth to the powers that be! I agree. If driving from one state to another is perfectly legal, then why should you have to change your license? I understand up-dating address and such, but why do I have to prove I was born? I had obviously provided all this when I got my first license!

  4. Gosh! I bet you get a NEW PICTURE on your driver's license! I wonder if it can be as bad as the Missouri pictures... Not speaking of YOURS, of course. I'm sure you will be exceptionally photogenic.

    1. One of the good things about small town living is know the ladies who issue the license. The last two times turned into photo shoots and I was allowed to choose my favorite shot. Since they have closed all the satellite offices in this state, all I can say is that the woman I dealt with was not happy with her job! I have a feeling that my face will reflect my attitude. The city we have to travel to for this momentous event is very small. Signs on all the roads direct you to the drivers license building. There is no other draw to this little municipality. They don't even have a Walmart! Dollar Generals adorn the way, but not much else.

  5. We only have two choices for supplemental insurance in this low population rural agricultural county...Humana and United Healthcare. The last time I had to get my DL renewed I couldn't pass the eye test, had to get glasses which I lost two years late and didn't replace.

  6. I already had Humana and they decided to cut us off because we moved, then they did a new policy. Stupidest thing I ever saw. I might not pass the eye test because I need my cataracts removed, but I will deal with that when it happens.


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