People Watching

 After "taking it easy" while vertigo plagued my existance, I am having a little trouble getting back in the groove. My bifocals seemed to make it worse, making reading impossible.

My first rehab appointment was not nearly as bad as I was imagining. It was at 1pm and HeWho chaufferred me wanted to go eat first. I didn't think it was a good idea and declined. I did send him on his way when I arrived at the center. With thoughts of being flipped upside down, I did not want anything in my stomach.

I did not get flipped upside down. They did a lot of stuff involving turning my head side to side and up and down with various speeds. Then I was on a stretcher and the student working with my therapist sat me up and supported my head and lay me back with my head hanging off the stretcher. Based on this they decided that it was my ears. Tentatively.

I have been relatively steady since then, still not ready to get behind the wheel of the car, since my bifocals seem to make it worse. I don't go back until the 20th, after the heart monitor is off and I have had my ultrasound of my carotid arteries. The monitor is visible, maybe that prevented them from flipping me upside down!

So, I was feeling okay yesterday, but not really eager to go anywhere. HeWho wanted to take me out to eat ..... translation: HE wanted to go out to eat! He wanted to go to Murphy, I would have preferred something closer to home, or actually cooking myself. Our favorite diner had a gas explosion, so we can't eat catfish on Friday nights!

Downtown Murphy has some good places to eat, but his favorite is Murphy Chophouse. They were closed. A lot of places around here are closed on Monday and Tuesdays. He should have checked before we drove over there. He also forgot it was Halloween. Every corner on Main street had the local vendors out with costumes on and candy for trick-or-treaters. We walked down the street to discover the only place serving food was the Irish Pub.

We won't go back. I was not in the mood for a fully fried dinner and it just wasn't that good. People watching was fun, though. While we were eating, a couple came in the back door with matching tshirts proclaiming them to be M&M's. They weren't as old as us, but old enough to have no children at home. The woman had a red gift bag. She kept leaving to go outside while her husband (?) sat at the bar conversing rather loudly with another man at the other end of the bar.

I wondered why he just didn't move closer to the man, since the other barstools were unoccupied. They kept talking and drinking and the woman popped up and down with that gift bag and going outside. It finally dawned on me that she was trick-or-treating!! With a bright red gift bag! Maybe she will be re-using the bag for Christmas.

We never got trick-or-treaters at the campground, since we always had a designated evening for the children to go from camper to camper and a soup and chili cook-off. We don't get any here either, so we had a quiet evening after we returned from our not so good meal.

We had our first freeze early this am. HeWho went berserk! Suddenly he decides he should winterize the RV and cover the pontoon and the outdoor faucets last night. One would think this was a rare event and not expected on the last day of October!

I just sat calmly and watched him. People watching is my hobby now.


  1. Excellent hobby. Not only do I endorse, I participate.

    1. The person I watch the most is my husband, then I text my son, sometimes with pictures and we laugh together!

  2. At least you got a meal that you didn't have to cook or clean up after. Even if it wasn't very good! We had our first freeze here last night, but we're supposed to be back in the 70s by the weekend.

    1. The meal was sub standard! I don't mind cleaning up after a really good meal!

  3. I tried people watching. I'd rather read a book.

    1. Sometimes when you are without other entertainment, you just go with the flow.

  4. When my glasses or eyes are not behaving correctly, I do miss reading books and blogs. Hope your dizzy spells are soon well as glasses that work better!

    1. Dizzy only occasionally now, but the holter monitor is itching like crazy.

  5. somehow I missed you are wearing a holter. I had to wear one for three weeks to get my afib diagnosed. those sticky tabs really irritated my skin even after I requested the non-allergenic ones. it was weeks before my skin cleared up after I quit wearing it. I'm glad your vertigo seems to be clearing up but isn't it always in the ears?

  6. Vertigo is most often related to your ears, but cardiac issues and stroke indicators can also be related. The adhesive for the monitor are making me a little nuts, but only 5 more days to go.


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