I have so much to say, it has been so long since my Mom has offered to write for me! This is Mr. BoJangles, by the way.

I will start with yesterday. Mom tells me that my dog mom, Piper has given birth to two tiny puppies and they look just like me!! A boy and a girl. She showed me the pictures and I was astounded! Was I that tiny once? Mom says I was, but I don't know how that could be! 

You may be wondering if we are getting a puppy. We aren't says Dad. Mom says if we do get a puppy, it won't include going all the way to Missouri to get one! Dad says we are NEVER getting another puppy. Mom says we will see. She says we really need a kitten and I think a kitten would be crazy fun. I miss Martha, the boy cat.

As you know, if you read my posts, we already have a turtle. Dora doesn't do much with all of us dogs. She likes to sit on a rock under the heat lamp until she gets hungry. Then, she makes all manner of noises trying to climb out of her habitat to get Mom's attention. 

When Mom cleans her tank, she takes her outside, along with Eddie. Eddie tells me that she will let Dora walk in the grass as she cleans the tank. Eddie says she tells him to make sure Dora doesn't get close to the ravine. He says he just walks in front of her and she will turn around. Mom told him to pick her up very gently with his mouth if she started down the ravine.

I do not recommend this mouth pick up at all!! Just a couple of days ago, Mom gave Dora a bath. Mom was telling Dad that her shell looks so dull because she is shedding again and that the pieces of her shell that are ready to come off look like giant fish scales. Scales? I was confused. When us dogs go see the dog doctor, they make us stand on scales to see how much we weigh.

Are fish scales something that fish get weighed on? And, why would Dora's shell look like a scale? I had questions and once again, Toni Louise laughed at me. She can be mean with her words! She called me a dummy! Eddies explained what fish scales were and I get it now. Fish live in water and so does Dora. Did you know that Dora can stay underwater a very long time. I tried to stick my whole head into the water dish one time to see how long I could stay underwater. I tried to take a breath underwater and made a big mess when I yanked my head up and spit water out of my mouth and nose!

Anyway, Mom gave Dora a bath and wrapped her in a towel. I was happy to see that she did not use the dog towels on a turtle. That would just be wrong, don't you think? She wanted to wash the rocks and toys in Dora's habitat and she handed Dora to Dad and told him to hold her. 

Eddie thinks he is Dora's best friend just because Mom lets him help keep Dora safe outside. So he jumped up to see her and Dad let him sniff her and talk to her. Eddie was wondering what kind of shampoo Mom used. You know, just making sure she didn't waste the dog shampoo on a turtle. He reported that she smelled like a turtle and he could not detect a hint of our shampoo.

Toni Louise gave her some sniffs, too and she agreed with Eddie. She said Eddie has a well rounded sense of smell. So, I thought, what the heck, let me have a sniff. I walked cautiously up to Dora and was sniffing away when it happened ....

SHE BIT MY NOSE!! I am indignant about this! How dare she bite my tiny, precious nose? Just because I tried to bite her once when I was younger! Toni laughed at me again and said she did not realize that turtles hold grudges.

Grudges? I did not see anything in her hands, or whatever they are called. Us dogs have paws, but my Mom calls them tiny feet and hands. Except for Eddie. He has some big paws. Mom once said she was glad that Eddie did not grow into his paws or he would be a giant dog. Eddie might be bigger than me, but I am still taller than him. Mom says that Eddie rides low to the ground.

Mom says her time is running short. She has to go to the doctor today because her back still hurts. Mom can only sit for a tiny bit of time. She can walk around and lay flat on the bed, but everything else makes her hurt. Eddie is happy to keep Mom company in bed, but I get bored and start play fighting with Eddie and Mom says to be still. This is when I jump down and go annoy Toni Louise and Dad. They both yell at me to stop and this is when I really miss my cat!

My time is up, but it sure feels good to get all this off my chest. That is just an expression I learned recently. Til next time, this is Bo, signing off.


  1. I am sorry Mom is still not feeling well. You behave, now.

  2. Well, Bo, you know what they say about payback. Or if you don't, I think Eddie might explain it to you. Since Toni Louise seems skeptical of your cognitive abilities, which is a nice way of saying Toni Louise thinks you are a dummy.

    1. Toni Louise is a snob! Mom says she is getting old and us boy dogs should be nice to her. Her face is very white now. I remember when Cujo's face got white. I don't want Toni to go over that bridge Mom told us about when Cujo died. I will try to be nicer to her. As for that turtle, I will just leave her alone. Eddie can be her friend!

  3. I hope the bite didn't hurt too much. I think it is a good thing your mum is going to a doctor about her back, she has been sore too long.

    1. I didn't even bleed! I just yelped and Dad laughed at me! We have to get Mom well! The poop in our yard is unacceptable! Dad said he was going to pick it up. He was going to blow it with all the leaves into Mom's garden beds. Even I know that is wrong! Mom was watching from the window and Dad was in big trouble! Mom asked him if he was insane. I need to confer with my siblings, since I don't know what insane is. I do know what confer means, though! Mom says I am building quite a vocabulary.


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