I Am Toothless, He Is Clueless!

 I have been locked out of my blogger account!! Maybe, had I not been so fuzzy headed I could have figured this out sooner.

The tooth is out! Only took 40 minutes to dig it out. I was unaware of the time it took. I was blissfully indisposed under the influence of pharmaceuticals. Seemed like only a minute had passed when I was roused from unconsciousness. I think all dental procedures should be done this way! Last thing I heard was the surgeon saying we would have to rely on just the laughing gas, that my veins were too tiny. That made me laugh and I think I told him that was the only thing on me that was tiny!

Since I am on an aspirin regimen, he was concerned about bleeding. He told HeWho was my chauffeur that I actually bled very little and he would have been happier had I bled more to form the clot. The clot was formed and I dozed on the way home. Now that the screaming nerve pain is over .... I was prescribed opioids for post surgical pain! Isn't that ironic?

Other than being sore and a few cuts on my inner cheek, my recovery is going quite well. Well enough that today I decided to make some Christmas candy. Roasted pecans, topped with homemade caramel, then dipped in chocolate. I also made Chex Mix and some cookie dough waiting in the fridge. I followed the directions to a T. I had the ingredients boiling away with the candy thermometer stuck on the side of the pot. I had everything at the ready to pour the caramel over the nuts, then I took them outside where it was chilly to set.

Confidant that I had made them correctly, I asked my helper (HeWho) to bring them in while I melted the chocolate ...... I knew immediately that it had failed to set up. No worries, my helper opined that something was not right. (What would I do without him?)

So, there I stood, looking at 3 dozen "candies" the size of mini muffins trying to think. The helper was battering me with questions ... what is wrong with them, what did you do wrong .... I waved him away and told him I was trying to come up with a solution and that I was pretty sure they had not cooked long enough. The recipe warned not to exceed 250 degrees or they would be hard. I watched that thermometer carefully and turned the heat off at 245 degrees. The color was wrong, but I didn't want a hard chewy mess, so I went on with the instructions.

HeWho has never baked or cooked candy in his life thought I should put them "back in the oven". They were never in the oven and his solution made me laugh. I wasn't thinking I could salvage the goo as candy, but I was trying to think of a way to salvage the ingredients. Butter, heavy cream, pecans .... all pricey stuff.

I just added 3 eggs to it and it is baking now in a pre-made crust. Whatever comes out of the oven will be eaten!! I can only imagine the mess that would have resulted had I tried to just put them in the oven! HeWho's culinary skills are not vast. He can flip an egg in the pan and he makes a mean peanut butter and jelly, but beyond that he is pretty clueless.


  1. My husband must have gone to cooking school with your husband, only he's never flipped an egg in his life.

    1. He has gotten a lot of mileage out of flipping eggs, his one and only talent in the kitchen! He has attempted to clean up after himself ... this is when I take a closer look at the dishes as I put them away. He will wash ONLY the inside of his special pan. leaving bits of cooked eggwhite on the sides and who knew you could wash the outside of a pan!!

  2. I have never tried to make candy of any kind, I just know it would always go wrong.

    1. I doubt I will try again anytime soon! Maybe I will just stick to baking, it is what I know!

  3. I am worried that you might eat those nuts before your tooth-hole had healed! At least HeWho can shut his piehole while enjoying this new concoction. It is indeed ironic that you have painkillers now that the worst pain is over. I suppose you could hoard them for the next incident when you need them more. Back, tooth, who knows?

    1. The pain pills are hidden away, ... not sure why, since it is easiest to just leave them visable, as HeWho is totally unaware of his surroundings and would not notice them. The pie I made out of the mess I made was not a huge success. The taste was all wrong, but I did eat some, carefully chewing on the left side.

  4. Hope the blogger mess is figured out. Your solution to failed candy sounds like it will be tasty, but maybe not for you till your gum is healed. Glad you got through the tooth episode finally!

    1. The pie I made out of the "candy" was a flop. At least I tried! My gum is healing nicely, but the jaw aches every day. Especially as the sun starts to set. This is when all pain awakens, isn't it? I was doing some research on your town and it is just a daytrip away! Don't be surprised if I message you one day to say I am heading your way!


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