The Good Old Days

 I have been taking 2 tylenol and 2 ibuprofen every four hours, as instructed. It does make the pain bearable, but it is still there. I had a consultation in Tennessee on the appointed day, last Thursday and have to be back there this Tuesday for the extraction. I will be completely under for this, thankfully. The appoinment is for 9:20 Tuesday morning.

HeWho drives will not be lingering the day away in bed. It took an hour and 45 minutes to get there. He is not happy about getting up that early and I didn't even try for a later time. I would stay in the office and sleep there if it meant getting the tooth out quicker!

It was a lovely day as we drove along the Ocoee River. 

It was a pleasant drive, despite the tooth pain.

We have a boat, but I doubt we would want to come this far just to get in the water. We are old, you know. I didn't get pictures of the rapids. They were mostly muddy rocks this time of year. I saw some rocks I wold love to see in my yard! No, I did not mention that to my driver!

I woke this morning and brewed my coffee. Oddly enough, hot drinks do not bother the tooth as much as cold ones do. Back to the tylenol. If I take it every four hours as the dentist suggested, that could amount to 6 times in 24 hours, but more likely 5 doses, as one does expect to sleep. After some research, I realize I am exceeding the maximum dosage. Do I really need my liver?

Same results with the ibuprofen. So, I am trying not to take it. I made it until 2:30 today without the benefit of pain relief. I was not pleasant to be around. Tried to watch a movie, but it was hard to concentrate.

Tuesday cannot get here soon enough! In the mean time it would appear that I am trying to suffer as many mishaps as I can. I was grating a vegetable, the likes of which has escaped my mind. I think it was carrots for some reason. Anyhoo, I managed to grate a good chunk of my pinky finger, as well. For awhile that pain kept me from thinking about the tooth. I have neosporin with xylocaine and that took care of the finger. Orajel for the tooth and I finished cooking the meal. Still eating the orajel with great regularity. When this is over, I am thinking I should have blood work done to see what my liver enzymes look like. 

It will be one month and one day since the tooth broke before it will be removed. Remember back in olden times when your family dentist would address the situation in a more timely fashion?


  1. I can feel your pain. Hasten Tuesday!

  2. It doesn't surprise me that you had a kitchen mishap. It's hard to concentrate when you're feeling out of sorts.

    1. I think my dogs may have had something to do with it, they love carrots and were tangled in my legs, hoping I would drop a carrot!

  3. Geese, what a long time to have to endure that pain before getting the tooth removed. Then a day or so of swelling and still some pain, but then bliss! Sorry to hear your finger got zapped too. If your stomach isn't upset by the ibuprofen, that's good...and I'd stay off liquor until your liver has a chance to recover (do they recover?) I know that they can grow, if part is removed, but don't know about how livers recover from excessive Tylenol. I'm glad the oral stuff also helps. You can start a countdown clock Monday at least. Best of luck with getting there and getting it done!

    1. I think the liver can recover unless it has been abused over a very long period of time. I have stopped taking the amount prescribed and will just alternate it when I am desperate. It makes me wonder what people who cannot afford care do. I think there is something in the hole now sheilding that exposed nerve. I am not ging to dig around to get it out!! I guess they just have to endure the pain until the tooth finally falls out. Doesn't sound fun, does it?

  4. I guess dentist are like doctors. They don't want to see you when you have a problem that needs immediate treatment. They want you to make an appointment a month ahead of time, so they can run tests and tell you that you're not sick. Acetaminophen is processed through the liver, and ibuprofen is processed through the kidneys. But I'm sure you knew that already. I don't know where the Orajel goes for processing!

    1. I would think my entire digestive tract is coated with Orajel and numb!! I read up on the combination of tylenol and ibuprofen and the biggest consern is the liver. I was taking Meloxicam for my knee, but my kidney numbers were up, so my NP said to sto taking it regularly and only take it when I need it. I can honestly say that I have not needed it since the tooth incident, or maybe the knee doesn't bother me as much as the tooth?

  5. I have never been under for any extractions, I just get a load of injections and if I make so much as a squeak while they are pulling, I get another injection. Most of mine are gone now and replaced with a denture.

    1. Like you, I have only had Novacaine for extractions. The oral surgeon says the root of the tooth is laying just above a main cranial nerve causing the extension of pain from my chin and up to my sinus under my eye. The tooth is broken off at gum line and will require an incision to get it out. I am not disappointed that I will be unaware!!

    2. I have two broken off at gumline, one upper, one lower, but they aren't bothering me at all. My one remaining eyetooth is giving me trouble though, so that will come out soon after Christmas and a new one will be added to the denture.


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