Retirement, When You Do Nothing

 It has been a few days since I have been able to get into my blogger account. Am I being punished? Maybe! I tried to open a new account with a different email address and that failed miserably. I followed the "easy" steps provided and got stuck and could not get out. It was like an electronic jail holding my account hostage.

Anyway, here I am. We celebrated 49 years of marriage this past Sunday. We went out to eat at an outrageously expensive restaurant. Still recovering from the the tooth extraction and now dizzy again, I wasn't all that enthusiastic about going out to eat. I went because the man I married, who now sports cow veins in his legs, wanted prime beef and they do not serve this on Sunday. Ignore the fact that rare beef is not supposed to be a part of his diet. I chose to eat the "special". It was steak and I ate about 1/3, bringing the remainder home. HeWho loves beef ate my leftovers yesterday. I did have a serving of She Crab soup that was excellent and I enjoyed that. No drinks for me, as I was still swallowing the hateful penicillin. My digestive system does not like prolonged antibiotics.

You would think after 49 years the man would know me. He is apparantly clueless when it comes to reading my mood. He sits, feet up, totally absorbed in his phone. A big fan of U-tube, he seems to be able to watch it all his waking hours.

We will be on the road on the 23rd, traveling south to spend Christmas with my daughter and her family and her friend's family. I have my orders for my contribution for dinner. Things I could make in my sleep and really don't need a recipe for. Two pecan pies,one with chocolate and a big casserole of mac and cheese. Easy enough. Today I will make cookies and I will just take what I need to make the pies and mac and cheese at her house.

My grandson, Gavin loves my mac and cheese and I love Gavin. In return I will be asking him to help me make a video for his Papa, telling him about all his wife's moods and how to read them. At least Gav and I will have fun. Papa will, no doubt be watching his phone (unless we decide to hide it).

HeWho has been my mate for 49 years has always insisted on a fan blowing in order to sleep. In my never ending battle with dog hair, I was vacuuming and picked up said fan to move it and noticed that despite my nagging, It was full of clumps of dust and dog hair .....

So I asked the man who thinks retirement means you do absolutely nothing all day, if he could take the fan apart for me to clean it. The deep sigh and unpleasant look I got just set me off. It is not like I asked him to lasso the moon and bring it to me! I cannot count the number of times he has said, "If you need help, all you have to do is ask." Like it is my own fault he does nothing to contribute to the day to day running of a household. This happens everytime I ask, so I normally just do it myself. It is easier on my blood pressure.

When he saw what a mistake he had made he attempted to grab the drill from my hand before he saw the look in my eye. I then told him if he touched the fan I would be happy to get the axe out of the shed and demolish it. I meant every word and he knew it. Upon taking the front and the back off the fan I noted that there should be 6 screws on each side and it was 4 screws short. This accounts for the rattle that keeps me awake at night. He was mumbling and saying that it was too cold to take it outside to clean it (and lose the remaining screws in the yard I mow, setting me up for another screw to be caught in the blades of the mower and possibly shooting myself in the leg again). 

I told him that all I asked him to do was to take the front and back off, so that while I had the vacuum in hand I could suck all the dog hair out. No, I was not very pleasant when I spoke. I reminded him that he had told me I should just ask if I needed help. He then adopted a pained, put-upon expression that he uses when he thinks he can turn things around to make it be all about my "attitude". He failed miserably. I took the fan apart and cleaned, then hunted down some screws to put it back together properly. I AM my father's daughter!

And, just like that, my clean house has brought back my sweet and pleasant attitude! Butter is sitting in 3 mixing bowls, softening and awaiting other ingredients to make cookies. I have showered and applied a good bit of Biofreeze to my back and will soon be up and in the kitchen. It was 27 degrees this morning and won't be warming up all that much, so this is a good day to have my oven on for several hours. I plan ahead.

Just wondering if I will ever retire ..... I doubt I would be happy doing nothing.


  1. HeWho may be alive only because he is married to you.

    1. Truer words have never been spoken! My nurse practitioner said as much, too. The man doesn't even know what drugs he takes, just blindly swallowing whatever I put in his pill taker. I can assure you that I would never take anything without knowing what it was and what it is for.

  2. I have a fan blowing to sleep better too, I take off the front and clean the blades a couple of times a year.

    1. I probably nag every few months since all of my fur babies have long hair. It does not take long, although HeWho will announce that he has cleaned and it usually takes up a good chunk of an afternoon. He does not mind runnung the vacuum through the house, but he doesn't move anything and will leane the machine out to get credit for doing it! My mother used to do that to make sure everyone knew how hard she worked. Maybe I should make a nice chart for him and put stars on it when he does a chore ...

  3. I might have a dream about HeWho being drilled full of holes! Tonight, because I said I was going to watch something else on TV at 9:00, a time when Hick has usually been in bed already for 90 minutes... "You act like you're kind of the house!" Heh, heh. A classic case of projection.

    1. He should have said queen! And, of course you are. I would be queen of the gardens, since I am not much for housekeeping when I could be outside. In the winter I am in charge of everything inside ... what am I saying, I am in charge of everything!!

  4. It sounds like you're the type of person who always has to be busy. I think you'd be bored stiff with nothing to do.

    1. I like to sit down and rest as well as anyone else, but not for a prolonged period of time. People who retire and do nothing tend to die at an earlier age.

  5. I sympathise. my husband spends most his waking hours sitting and reading. I'm like you. I see stuff that needs doing and do it. I don't sit easily for long. I like being active. keeps the body functioning.

    1. I may have a touch of OCD. Clutter distresses me and I sleep much better after organizing things. My mother used to leave groceries stacked everywhere for a week after her monthly big shopping trip. Drove me nuts, and Daddy, too. He was very organized, cans in alphabetical order and everything had a place. He would be out to sea for 9 months at a time, upon returning home he would be in a cupboard or closet every spare moment putting the house back to right.


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