My Three Sons

 Remember that old TV show, My Three Sons?

My Three Sons. My old guy is looking his age. Eddie is so handsome and sweet. Then we have Mr. BoJangles. Bo always looks curious. I like this picture. Toni Louise declined any attempt to capture her on film. Bad hair day? Don't know, she was just determined to not cooperate.

This is not the picture I was planning for today. I was planning to have pictures of my She Shed. You remember, the She Shed that was supposed to be delivered today. The She Shed that was going to allow me to open all these boxes and have room to put all my stuff away. The She Shed I was so happily anticipating. The She Shed that has been delayed for delivery for almost two weeks.

That She Shed. Well, you know what they say about the best laid plans .... My new furniture will be here next week. I was so excited that I would have the She Shed to put that loveseat my dogs are posed on. Now I will have to restack all those boxes and create a space on the porch to put it. Somewhere out there is a box of kitchen stuff with all my silverware hiding out. I bought more to use until I can locate that box. I just seem to be in constant motion trying to find a home for everything and then having to move it over and over.

The delivery driver had a death in his family, so he had a good excuse, and I am sorry for his loss. But right now, I am just wallowing in self pity. Give me the evening to be sad. Tomorrow I will find the bright side of the delay. I think I will treat myself to a trip to a nursery for some live plants. That always cheers me up!

The good news for the day is that I finally located the beaters for my mixer. I baked a cake for HeWho and he is a happy man. Glad somebody is content tonight ....


  1. It's OK, we can wait. Think how much more planning you can have done.

    1. Trying to look on the bright side here, coffee helps.

  2. You had to buy more silverware? Why were the kitchen boxes not labelled?? Well at least you found the beaters and made a cake. Was it a chocolate cake? Yum..

    1. I labeled the boxes, but once opened I have to find a place to put everything and there are still lots of boxes to get to. Stacked high to create a walk through for the dogs one the porch. Then there is the 8 X 8 shed that is floor to ceiling boxes. Supposed to all be my sewing stuff and out of season stuff, but who really knows since I had "help" putting the boxes in the shed. Chocolate, yes. Bundt cake. Added yogurt and chocolate chips to the mix and then drizzled cream cheese icing over it. I don't are for chocolate, but now I can entice HeWho to do many things!

  3. At least there was cake. And this picture of your three furry sons. Now that show's theme song is in my head, and I'm picturing a tapping shoe.

    1. The chocolate cake enhanced with chocolate chips is more of a bribe than a dessert. I have big plans for HeWho involving physical labor. My canines are a sweet trio, don't you think?

  4. As Joanne said….we will wait until it arrives to share in your fun. It’ll give you more time to clear the area - when you aren’t moving furniture and looking for other undiscovered treasures.
    Last time we moved cake wasn’t on the menu for months !

    1. Chocolate cake can be an effective motivator for HeWho. Such an easy bribe! I was thinking to wait until the shed was in place to actually start planting anything. Now I am planning to go ahead with the gardens. Or at least the ones away from where the actual building will be set down. I don't necessarily trust the men setting the building not to destroy anything. I am old and have lots of experience!

  5. Well, I am disappointed about the shed. We're looking forward to seeing it. Does it come fully assembled? The TuffSheds at Home Depot are just amazingly expensive.

  6. Yes, it comes on a big truck, and he has the equipment to place it on the blocks. Then all I need are steps up to the door and a lock for the door and I will be happy! It is floored and has two lofts, one on either end. Eventually we will insulate it and wire it for electricity. Electricity first! It can double as guest sleeping quarters with the hide-a-bed and the queen mattress in one of the lofts.

  7. I've read so much about your dogs, I am very happy to see what they look like! But what about Cujo? Is that the same dog you call Mr. BoJangles?

    1. Cujo is the old guy with red fur and white face. We are not sure just how old he is, since he was an adult dog when we got him. He is at least 13 or 14. Mr. BoJangles is the mutt with the bright eyes. He is 2 now. We rescued his 4lb. Yorkie mix mom from a burning camper and she mated with a Chihuahua/Shitzu mix. He weighed about 3 lbs. Bo is about 8 lbs. He is all the recessive genes, I suppose. He has a chihuahua attitude and was hard to train, took him awhile to figure out that I am the alpha in this pack. He was a biter and I always bite my puppies when they try that with me, same as the mother dog would do. I will say that I had to bite him longer and harder than other dogs I have had. Eddie is the long-haired dachshund. He has papers, not that it matters a whit to me. Personalities are what I am in love with. Cujo was rescued from a puppy mill in a raid. He has some scars that would indicate abuse. He hates men with a passion and little children, as well. He is okay around women but prefers my company. He gets anxious in a crowd and will stay as close to me as he can get and over salivate so much that he slobbers like a Saint Bernard.

  8. Your fur babies are darling. Although I must say, it is difficult enough sharing the bed with one fat cat. I cannot imaginge these snuggle buddies crowding you. happy you have a new she shed and great plans. Be careful about mice. natural repellent is peppermint extract and water in spray bottle.

    1. Your cat is equally as fat as Martha, the boy cat. The dogs tend to curve around what space I leave and will move when I move. Martha is a problem. Once he has positioned himself in the bed, he refuses to move. When he was younger, he tried biting my toe through the covers. I bit his toe and he never did it again. We all have to learn! Toni Louise is not so big as she is gangly with long legs that tend to hit me in the head when she is between our pillows. My three sons are the best sleepers.


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