Burning Leaves

 The sun is shining, and I have already been hard at work outside. The poop has been scooped and the big pile of leaves and twigs I raked is ready for a match. I am feeling somewhat better, though still not my normal self. Like a heavy cloud follows me and I have to fight to get out of the shadow. Along with stomach issues making me queasy all day long. I have an appointment with a new primary care provider next week.

Here's hoping the Nurse Practitioner will be amenable to listening to my suggestions when it comes to my treatment. HeWho has an appointment as well, so that we can establish our care henceforth. What you want to bet I will have to make a second appointment to discuss my symptoms? Then the referrals will begin. That will result in months of more appointments.

With fuel prices as they are we have no immediate trips planned. Just one in June to see my children and attend my grandson's graduation. Might as well get all healthy! 

The She Shed is coming together nicely. Today I will be spending some time organizing after I put my sewing table together. The two loads of crushed rock are
 sitting in my drive waiting to be spread and leveled. Rain yesterday kept the guy away, hoping today is the day he returns. He will also use his equipment to create the basis of the steps going up the embankment to stroll through the woods to my getaway. HeWho put down the pickaxe and decided he was not adept at leveling. The steps he carved and tops with pavers were leaning forward, making me feel like I would pitch forward and land face down.

HeWho has an errand to run, and I am waiting for him to leave so I can light up my pile of leaves. He seems to think me incapable of doing anything lately. That being said, he did not offer to take over the poop scooping. He even washed his own dish last night! He took the broom from my hands and swept yesterday! He must think I am ill with some incurable disease!!

I am rested now and ready to get back to work outside. My tulips are growing fast, and my iris survived the freeze. My little domes of plastic bottles worked great. The strawberry plants were covered, but they seem a little sad. 

Next week I will buy my trees at Lowes. I saw them last time we were there, and they look really healthy. They had all the ones I wanted, apple, pear, plum and peach. They are going up near the She Shed. I will refer to that area as "the orchard". Today I will be planting the sycamore tree near my shed on the other side. It made the trip in a big pot and is also very healthy. Now that the car is leaving, I am out of here!!


  1. Step setting is surely required. It will be wonderful!

    1. I really want a deck to span the front for my rocking chairs, then the end lowest to the ground can be where the two steps could be. Might have to wait for the deck, but the concrete blocks are lever and sturdy for now.

  2. I love your She Shed! I can imagine you and your 4-legged crew hanging out there. Get some handrails for those steps. (Says the Val who has 13 rail-less basement stairs to navigate with her aging arthritic knees.)

    1. Just picture my future deck and a little white picket fence in front for my dogs. The far side of open area will have fruit trees. If only I could work as fast as I can think!

  3. Are those concrete support bricks properly cemented together or just stacked? I can see getting steps made to get up there is going to take a while. I'm worried about you burning leaves among all those trees, I want you to be safe after all your hard work.

    1. No worries about my fires. I never leave them unattended and always have a method to put them out if necessary. I raked all the leaves into a clearing and the ground was damp from recent rain. The blocks underneath are not cemented and I asked the same question. I was told by the men that the weight of the building was enough.

  4. You are settling in nicely. I am a bit concerned about those blocks being stable enough for your she shed, but He Who knows his stuff. Bill built a shed similar to this, and it was soon over taken by field mice. He has mouse traps set up and in one winter boasted that he caught/killed 73 of them. I outfoxed him and the mice. I made a concoction of mint oil diluted with water and sprayed it all over inside the shed. He caught only wo mice in one month and my guy cannot figure out why.

    I know you are looking forward to fruit bushes and trees. The critters will come to your buffet also. We had a huge groundhog who feasted in our fenced in garden on his hind legs. He was an expert hole digger and THIEF.

    1. I know mice can get in the shed and I will try your remedy. The bottom of the shed will be enclosed. I know the fruit trees will attract critters. I am willing to share! Campers would use moth balls to deter the mice, but it didn't seem to work. It stinks, too.

  5. That's quite a slope your shed is sitting on. I never burn leaves. I usually rake them into a low spot and let them mulch down.

  6. I would normally compost the leaves, but this area has never been cleaned up. I was going to just let them decomp, but the piles were so big I was afraid it would be a fire hazard if I left them, so I did a controlled burn. The slope is 30" from one end to the other of the 16' of the shed. The slope intensifies as it goes down towards my humble dwelling. The path to the steps going down into my yard will need to be stepped down. It will be easier to walk up the steps, as my driveway is even steeper. my butt muscles are growing muscles!

  7. Could it be possible (long stretch?), that since you guys no longer have the stress of the campground, that maybe (big maybe?) HeWho is less-stressed enough himself that he thinks you should take it easy some now and by doing things for you (the sweeping?) he is trying to help you some? That came to mind. I know, I know... I've read your campground blog for years so I know it could be questionable. Haha! I was basically just thinkin' ... maybe I should stop that? LOL! I long for a She-Shed of my own and have for years, but it's not possible living in an apartment. *sigh* I'm totally filled with excitement to see what you do for decorating it and all!! Have a lovely day!

    1. Thanks, Diana. You are welcome to live your SheShed dreams vicariously through me! Progress is slow. Really slow. I pulled a muscle in my back and am moving with great care. We put the bed in today and suddenly all my space was gone! I am trying to convince HeWho that a Murphy bed shouldn't be hard to build. He just looked at me and walked away.


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