Retirement Is Lazy!

 Big plans were in the works for Saturday. I was going to get so much done. I woke quite early and took the canines out the door and onto the deck. The wind nearly blew me down!! The cold wind. I went back in shivering and went back to bed.

Only Mr. BoJangles had any objections to crawling back under the covers. The doxies love one nap on top of another. Not what you would call active dogs. Very suited to older women.

So, the entire day was spent doing nothing. Not that there was nothing to do inside. But we sat like slugs in front of the TV binge watching Breaking Bad. I didn't even cook, since I had leftover lasagna in the fridge. I had made a cake last week. It was called a Neighbor Cake. 

I had no plans to present a cake to a neighbor, just was intrigued by the recipe. It called for a cake mix and a container of frosting. The frosting was mixed with the cake mix and eggs and such, then baked in a Bundt pan. It was rather bland, much to my surprise, and despite the fact that I had slathered that pan with shortening, it stuck. The cake had been resting in the cake holder on the counter. Seconds didn't happen. I took the stale cake and crumbled it and make a bread pudding out of it and topped the cooked pudding with bourbon sauce. 

Seconds did happen on that! But that was my only accomplishment of the day! Retirement is lazy!!


  1. We knew you would wind down eventually.

    1. When the air outside warms, I will be out there and moving a lot more!

  2. I like bread pudding, but we don't allow alcohol in our home (hubby was an alcoholic before meeting me), so it's made another way for us. But yours is still pretty ingenious, haha! I'm like you and the doxies... I prefer lazing around when it's so doggone (sorry to the canines lol) cold outside. I'm just trying to hold on til the warm spring weather stays put!

    1. I hate this see-saw of weather! I have discovered that you can make bread pudding out of much more than bread!!

  3. I found retirement to be very lazy too. I mooched around doing a lot of nothing at all, now my doctor says I must walk 5 miles a day and lose 40 pounds. Well, he said that just before Covid hit us and then for two years we were all told to stay at home as much as possible. So the walking got forgotten until just recently and I have now lost 6 pounds. 34 pounds to go. I'm taking it super slowly though. I've watched most of Breaking Bad, it's pretty good.

    1. Five miles!! That seems like a lofty goal you should work up to! Then I remember I used to walk 9 miles every third day while pushing a mower in front of me. That could be the secret, being able to accomplish a task while walking! I was happy to see that my weight was down 3 lbs on our visit to the new primary care. This was despite doing nothing and eating too much!


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