
Showing posts from August, 2024

Overtaken By a Fit Of Cleaning

  When we left off yesterday, I was extolling the virtues of the needy patient in my house. But, enough of that. While strolling the grocery store and becoming quite appalled at the prices, but stopping to indulge in free samples I met a nice lady at the cheese cube samples of some very good gouda. It should have been for $11.99 lb.! I met more that just one person, mind you, I do have the gift of gab. But this lady was so entertaining. We chatted and decided to exchange phone #'s to meet up later for breakfast this week. What do you want to know about her? People like to tell me stuff. She lives in South Georgia quite close to where we once lived. She likes to camp (RV, not tent) and likes Jekyll Island (we once lived there!!). They have a place on Lake Chatuge as their getaway plave and had a blow out on their boat trailer on the way up. When I got home to the patient, I told him I met someone and wanted a divorce. He didn't bat an eye at my proclamation, just asked what she

And The Beat Goes On .....

  Little did I know that upon reaching retirement I would be on a quest to visit as many medical facilities as humanly possible in a short amount of time.  Yesterday found us back in the office of our primary care giver. This made me wish it was a place I could drop my mate off to be fixed and return to pick him up upon completion of that task. You know, like a car repair shop. I inquired about that possibility and was laughed at. They thought I was joking. I was not. To say that my husband (aka HeWho is the master of vague symptoms) is a difficult patient is putting it mildly. The man mutters and moans all night, making sleep an impossible dream for me. We have a CT scan looming large in his future. None of his bloodwork indicates a decisive reason for his belly ache. So, despite his declaration that he would not have a CT scan and would learn to live with his pain ...... He was given an injection of antibiotics and a pain killer yesterday afternoon. He had refused all attempts at ent

I Know Him Too Well!

  HeWho enjoys lots of attention is on the mend. Nonetheless, we will be seeing his regular doctor next week, if only to confirm MY diagnosis. I know HeWho too well to be fooled by his assessment of his pain level. That sounds mean, doesn't it? Okay, if the shoe fits ... After his 22 hour nap, he seemed to pain free, felt a little sluggish, but had a fine appetite. If I slept for 22 hours ..... nevermind, that would never happen to the queen of insomnia! He has been complaining of indigestion and keeps Tums close by. I often awaken from my light slumber to hear him chomping on the chalky stuff. The commercial of long ago always runs through my mind, "something my body needs anyway" referring to the calcium content. After I fed the man a bowl of chicken soup, followed with applesauce, he perked right up. Suddenly he felt the need to check the mailbox and took off on his riding mower to the top of the drive (seriously, you did not think he was going to walk, did you?). Upon

A Wasted Day

 Beautiful weather here and I was happily working my gardens. I picked a bowlful of baby lima beans and discovered two smallish tomatoes that would work well on a BLT. I came back inside to awaken HeWho sleeps. It was 10:30 and he has been sleeping until noon then complaining about feeling bad. I thought that maybe getting up earlier might make him feel better. For the past few days he has been complaining of abdominal pain. Vague pains and lack of appetite. I will admit that I am sometimes skeptical about his pain. He has a very low tolerance for pain and I find it annoying. I know, a bad character flaw on me. This morning he sat in the recliner with a grimace on his face. I asked if he felt any better, then asked again louder. He asked me why I was yelling. "So you can hear me ....." He promptly told me he could hear me just fine. That little voice in my head said "No, you can't." He said his stomach was hurting and I asked him pertinent questions about where

Dora, The Turtle Learns a New Trick

  I have been thinking that I need a new laptop. The picture thing is making me crazy and the letters on my keyboard are  mostly gone. The plastic is coming apart, but I hate new things. I need to be at my son's house and I won't even have to participate! So, we need to make another trip! Since my garden is a fruitless mess, why not? I picked enough green beans for a meal and the bushes are mostly dead. Only cherry tomatoes are being picked at this point. My flowers and trees and bushes are all well established now and can thrive without me. As I said before, Mr. BoJangles has turned into a good traveler. Dora, the turtle, not so much. We use her old habitat that she outgrew and place it in the shower. She likes a hide to sleep under and a few toys along with her dietary needs. She is now eating two big worms everyday along with some floating food sticks and cabbage or lettuce. Note that I said "floating food sticks". We take along several gallons of well water from h

A Visitor Came By While We Were Away

  Try though I might, I still can't download pictures, so I will use my words. Mr. BoJangles was an excellent traveler this trip with no car sickness. He waited patiently to be leashed before going out and was just over-all a very good boy. Eddie was himself, stuck to my side when I was there and crying when I left. Toni was her old lady self. Waiting impatiently for the leash to be hooked to her collar, stepping on the edge of the dog's food dish and causing the dry food to fly into the air and all over the camper. Bo rushed to try to eat it before I could get it all swept up. I think he was trying to cover for Toni Louise. Remember way back in the days of my kampground kapers when I injured my left shoulder by pulling the push mower with my left arm while driving the golf cart?  Yes, I did realize that it wasn't the best idea I ever had, but I had many time constraints and had too many tasks awaiting my attention. Anyhow, I didn't seek medical care ... I didn't ha

Heading Home and Facial Hair

The service for our cousin, Kevin was just as he would have wanted. Doris held up well and lots of prople showed up to lend support. She is handling this big change in her life bravely. With so many people surrounding her with love, we felt okay leaving this morning to head home. My insomnia is harder to deal with while traveling. I am a big fan of routine and in such a small space, it is hard to be awake and not disturb HeWho sleeps soundly. Funny, but I don't know why I even considered being quiet, he can't hear a thing! Last night seemed to last so much longer that it actually did. I slept a few hours, then took the animals out and came back inside to wait for my driver to awake. I read awhile and longed for coffee. I totally forgot to bring coffee and we even stopped for supplies and I forgot it again. WE were on the road by 10:30 and HeWho can be very thoughtful stopped and got me a cup of the hottest coffe I have ever had! I poured it into a travel mug and had one sip bef


  Feeling somewhat somber today. Deep thoughts run through my mind. Life is just a book. The number of chapters is up to the author, that author is yourself, of course. As I get older, I tend to go back and re-read my favorite chapters and try to avoid the ones that were not pleasant. In the end, though, you have to read them all. Even the ones you would like to forget. I hope that when I am forced to live the last chapter, I will be able to have resolved any chapters that are full of regrets. I haven't posted in some time now. I have been occupied with my somber thoughts as I try to help our cousin, Doris, navigate her way through her own crisis. Her husband, Kevin, died this afternoon around 12:30. It came as a relief, to know that he no longer suffers. He has been a part of our extended family for 20 years or so. I would have to say that I didn't know him too well. What I did know of him was that he made Doris happy and frustrated all at the same time. Much like my own husba