
Showing posts from September, 2024

I Cannot Let My Fingers Do The Walking .....

  Now that I know who I am maybe I can write something intelligent. Only if my hands will cooperate. Hitting the keyboard is sometimes painful when my arthritis decides to attack me.  My pinkie finger on my right hand is my biggest source of pain currently. It feels like the last joint in the finger is on fire and when I accidentally move it, I get a sharp pain that feels like I stuck it in the outlet and got a good jolt. Lately my hands have been too painful to do too much. I can't even make a fist to hit HeWho with. The man is currently outside doing something that involves a loud motor. Leaf blower or vacuum, I think. He will sit on his bum all day while I work around him, then get all energetic as the evening begins. Soon, the sun will set and he will tell me what he managed to get half-done. I managed to take my house apart in the last few days and get a lot of dust and dog hair removed. It looked like enough fur to cover a very large dog when I was finally done emptying and c

Who Is That Woman?

  It has been a busy week. I am happy to report that The Patient has recovered and is back to his normal self. We saw his doctor this morning and everything looked good on the CT scan, so his diagnosis of colitis was right and the antibiotic took care of it. Before we left this morning, I noticed that my neice, Whitney, had sent me a video of Jonah. I always love to see those in my messages. Fat little Jonah was sitting in a woman's lap and laughing and interracting with the woman. His little face is so expressive. His will raise his eyebrows and crinkle his nose. I am so enchanted with him. His brother is more serious. So, I was thinking how wonderful to be able to hold my boy and play. I was jealous! I watched it 3 times before I realized that the woman was ME. I saw the shirt out of the corner of my eye and thought, "I have a shirt just like that!". I even called The Patient over to look and said, "Look at Jonah. That woman has a shirt ...... That's me!"