I Cannot Let My Fingers Do The Walking .....

 Now that I know who I am maybe I can write something intelligent. Only if my hands will cooperate. Hitting the keyboard is sometimes painful when my arthritis decides to attack me. 

My pinkie finger on my right hand is my biggest source of pain currently. It feels like the last joint in the finger is on fire and when I accidentally move it, I get a sharp pain that feels like I stuck it in the outlet and got a good jolt. Lately my hands have been too painful to do too much. I can't even make a fist to hit HeWho with.

The man is currently outside doing something that involves a loud motor. Leaf blower or vacuum, I think. He will sit on his bum all day while I work around him, then get all energetic as the evening begins. Soon, the sun will set and he will tell me what he managed to get half-done.

I managed to take my house apart in the last few days and get a lot of dust and dog hair removed. It looked like enough fur to cover a very large dog when I was finally done emptying and cleaning the vacuum. Then I wondered if I should save it all and make a pillow for the dogs. I didn't, but you all know how I feel about wasting natural resources .....

Continuing that line of thought, I looked up kudzu to see what can be done with it. It looks like it is being farmed around here. I do know that it will hold up dead trees. I did not know it was a good(?) source of cattle feed. Could be why the fields with cows roaming are free of the stuff. I also noted that someone said it was good for crafting, the vines make baskets. Or, so they say. I don't know who would want to wade into it to harvest the vines. I tend to think it would make a nice habitat for snakes and other vermin.

The hands are complaining and I am done now.


  1. Have you tried putting heat on your finger?

    1. Yes, I have tried heat, ice, and any other solution I have heard of. So crazy that such a small portion of my body can create so much pain! I think it is karma, since I made fun of my mother's surgery to remove the joint in one of her toes. My own fault! It is silent right now, but the day is young. I will forget about it, then do something involving my finger and the cycle starts again.

  2. I first saw kudzu twenty or thirty years ago. I indeed holds up dead trees. It was quite an eye opener for this northern girl.

    1. It is quite a sight as you drive along the main highways here. In an attempt to keep it off the roadways, the road department will come along and spray weed killer. It will kill it off for a bit before it comes back stronger than ever. It will even climb the rock face. It was first introduced as a solution for erosion. It works, but it takes over!

  3. That's the same finger that has suddenly changed on my right hand. First the last joint started bending toward my ring finger, and now it gives pain if I try to move all my fingers...no fist for me! Sometimes I howl when I bump it while I'm sleeping. No other fingers have complained this much, though left ring finger is swollen and won't bend all the way to palm. No fun getting old, but I do prefer it to the other choice. I'm over here now https://boardwalkbarb.blogspot.com/

  4. Sorry that your hands are silencing you in the Blogiverse. Hopefully you are still able to scroll and read, even without entertaining us and leaving comments. Maybe you can trick HeWho into making you a cushy pair of dog fur mittens to protect your hands, heh, heh. Like big boxing gloves to prevent pain from bumping them!


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