Who Is That Woman?

 It has been a busy week. I am happy to report that The Patient has recovered and is back to his normal self. We saw his doctor this morning and everything looked good on the CT scan, so his diagnosis of colitis was right and the antibiotic took care of it.

Before we left this morning, I noticed that my neice, Whitney, had sent me a video of Jonah. I always love to see those in my messages. Fat little Jonah was sitting in a woman's lap and laughing and interracting with the woman. His little face is so expressive. His will raise his eyebrows and crinkle his nose. I am so enchanted with him. His brother is more serious. So, I was thinking how wonderful to be able to hold my boy and play. I was jealous!

I watched it 3 times before I realized that the woman was ME. I saw the shirt out of the corner of my eye and thought, "I have a shirt just like that!". I even called The Patient over to look and said, "Look at Jonah. That woman has a shirt ...... That's me!"

Maybe I need to take a cognitive test, since I don't even recognize myself.


  1. I have trouble remembering to look in a mirror. Guess I used up all my mirror time as a teen!

    1. I only look in the mirror when I am doing my hair or make-up, so only from the shoulders up. I was a lot smaller when I married my husband. He commented on that one time and I told him that he had hair when I married him! I was looking at the baby that I am so smitten with. He is such a happy little guy and he reminds me so much of his daddy when he was a baby. My first born was only 4 months old when my nephew was born and the two boys were together alot when they were babies.

  2. I prefer dim light whenever I look in a mirror so I would probably not recognise me either.

    1. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of myself and am appalled at the old lady looking back!

  3. Heh, heh! At least you figured it out before HeWho had to explain that it was YOU.

    1. I am glad I caught it first or I would never hear the end of it. But, now I am wondering if he would have noticed it was me! I am only 10 years younger than Biden!

  4. I don't look like I remember, either.

  5. Replies
    1. I chuckled about it and sent a message to Whitney that I didn't know the woman was me. My daughter got a big kick out of it. I bet she called her friend and told her so thay could laugh at me. They have been friends since middle school and we usually get to see her friend's family when we go to my daughter's house. I am used to those two poking fun at me and I love it!


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