Bird Flu!

 We had some company this past weekend. I must be getting old, as I am still recovering! We had a hectic, but fun weekend. When they left the bitter cold front hit us. It is in the 20's and for once I am not sweating.

I ran outside onto the screened porch this morning and I can testify that it is bitter out there! In my bare feet, I let the canine trio out because they stood at the door barking. I wanted to see what they were barking at. That white kitten has been hanging around since HeWho declared a no new pet moratorium, has been leaving food out and I figured that was the culprit for the manic barking session. I was wrong, as soon as I opened the door, I saw the little bird fluttering around the screen, trying to find an exit to avoid the barking dogs.

Before I could twitch a muscle, Mr. BoJangles was on the bird, catching it in his mouth. I yelled, "NO". This did not bother Bo as he headed towards the other end of the porch with tweety bird in his mouth. Nothing to do but give chase to the dog and the bird in my bare feet. Bo let go and tweety flew away. I just hope there were no puncture wounds in the chest of the bird.

Then the thought of bird flu ran through my mind. I truly hope he did not break the skin on that bird! I am also thankful that Bo has learned not to cross his master (that would be me). I can almost see the gears turning in his little head ...... "how bad do I want this creature, is it worth being in trouble. I know I can outrun her, but there is a fence, and I can only go so far. These feathers don't taste so good and it is not worth Mom being mad at me."

Bo is a funny little guy with lots of quirks in his behavior. He barked at our visitors, then tried to befriend them, bringing his well chewed wubby to them in hopes they would toss it down the hall so he could impress them with his ability to run, then slide down the hall to retrieve it. He would disappear from time to time. He has a life, after all. He likes to annoy Toni Louise if she is napping under our bed. He wakes her, she snarls and barks, HeWho yells at Bo to leave her alone and he runs out nonchalantly like he didn't do anything and grabs a wubby (he has an entire basket full) just in case someone is up for throwing it.

After that, when Bo is tired, he will retire to our bedroom for a nap. Unlike Toni Louise and her self-made nest under the bed; Bo jumps into our bed and tunnels down under the covers to the foot of the bed. When he wakes, he will use his head to bounce the covers up and make his way to the head of the bed. This leaves my carefully made bed in a mess.

Eddie does not like company. He most especially does not like it when they try to pet him. He sticks close to me when others are around. The only time he is somewhat social is when we are not in his territory and someone greets him. He will allow then to talk to him and even give him a light pet, but he is mostly anti-social. 

Toni doesn't care. She has always been a little goofy, but lately she acts like she can't hear. Our voices do not seem to register but she does hear her dog brothers bark. Her cloudy eyes tell me her vision isn't all that great either. I dread the day she goes over rainbow bridge to be with all her other siblings. HeWho will be devastated. She is his dog, the only dog that consistently chooses him over me.

My day looms large and cold, but I can now access my reading list, so I do have something to look forward to!


  1. I found a dead white wing dove in the yard yesterday. No sign of cat damage, maybe it froze during the night. I tossed it in the wild space at the back of our property, came in washed my hands, told Marc. I hope it didn't have bird flu he says. Great. But I did wash my hands.


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