Go Outside and Play!

 Winter had arrived here, down in the 20's at night, then up in the 30's during daylight hours. Not conducive to being outdoors. I put the heavy quilt on our bed and made the lighter comforter ready for storage. I was all ready to store away my summer clothes and find some indoor projects to amuse myself.

Doctor appointments pop up with great regularity and rains started blurring the days as we motored along the highway to be told that all was well with HeWho and his cow vein legs. It started getting warmer as it drizzled, and fog rolled in to obscure the mountain tops. I woke to sunshine, and it is already in the mid-fifties. This means I can play outside today!

The possibilities are endless. I sip my scalding coffee carefully as I consider the number of hours at my disposal today. I want to use them wisely, as this weather cannot hold for long! I need to make the RV road ready again. But that will make me be indoors ..... Maybe I should finish my retaining wall mural. I need to add some more flowers and bees. I think it should include a turtle or two and maybe a few bunnies and squirrels. Might be over ambitious, as the material on the wall is not smooth and hard to paint on. Still, I do like a good little bunny to hold every now and again. Baby squirrels are nice, too.

I have spent the cold days making "cookies" that do not need to be baked. That's right, still no resolution on the oven. HeWho has been exploring the possibility of adding more power to our domicile to allow an electric oven. My preference would be a gas stove top and an electric oven. 

This caused HeWho to go into investigative mode. He proclaimed that my preference would be expensive. When he informed me of what I already knew, I said, "So?". I sometimes think he wants to take all of his worldly possessions to heaven with him. I told him to think of all the years he smoked and wasted all that money on something that ultimately caused 3 heart attacks. I am willing to bet my preference of cooking appliances would seem small in comparison. Just sayin'.

The coffee cooled and was swallowed, time to go outside!


  1. Yahoo for days warm enough to play outside!

  2. Exactly right. you could probably have bought ten stoves of your choice with the money he wasted on cigarettes. we had our coldest night so far last night. down in the 30s.

  3. Good to hear that you got to play outside, and that HeWho is moo-ving around well on his cow vein legs!

    1. Yes, he full of himself! If he keeps building decks, he might surpass Farmer H and his Shacky Town! I think we probably have more square footage in deck space than we do in our house.


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