Ovens and Holidays

 I still have no working oven. I will say that I am becoming quite adept at alternative cooking. My giant 18-quart roaster is currently taking up most of my counter space. I made a meatloaf Saturday. I have the three-container insert, so I cooked everything in that one appliance. While it worked okay, it was a lot of food for two people, and I don't like to have that much prepared food on hand since we get tired of the food before it is all eaten.

In my meager spare time, I have exhausted every avenue of actually communicating with GE. As the holidays approach and we make plans to be with family I am trying to finish projects started with good intentions, yet never finished. The warm weather always finds me outside and I will put aside things to be in my gardens.

My son and daughter-in-law will be coming the day after Christmas, and I am now in a frenzy to finish a project for my daughter-in-law. The weather has turned cold, so I have been busy going through box after box of photos to put together a memory book featuring my son. Should be easy, but I tend to want to sit looking at pictures and remembering the times they depict.

I did such a book for my youngest daughter that I started before she gave me a grandson. I like to add the stories associated with the photos. Her book was more story than pictures as she tends to leave her stamp on everything. My grandson is 20 now and though I have given her the beginning, I need to finish what I started! She has many more stories that I need to memorialize before I am gone!

My daughter-in-law is from Peru and speaks Spanish. I am picking up some words and we can communicate well enough, but I am translating the captions and stories into Spanish. It is not difficult with the computer, but I wonder how my thoughts come out in another language. I suppose we will find out when she begins reading. If she looks confused, then I will assume it didn't translate well.

We will leave tomorrow to head south to Perry for Thanksgiving. My sister-in-law was released from the hospital today after a re-do of her knee surgery. We can run errands and do whatever needs to be done for the turkey day. My daughter will not be attending as she is recovering from pneumonia. Her husband got sick as well, so her recovery includes recovering from having a sick husband to tend to. Then we will be going to Savannah for a week to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary in mid-December. We had planned to go to my daughters for Christmas Eve but now have decided to wait until after the holidays. We would have to leave early on Christmas day to be home for company because it would be rude to not be home when they get here!

I have been tired enough that insomnia is no longer an issue when my head hits the pillow, but my time for reading blogs and pondering the world at large is severely constricted. So, forgive me for not commenting on my favorite blogs. Things should settle down soon and I can get back to poking fun at HeWho has been making me laugh for 50 years.


  1. A friend of mine is gathering old photos into albums, but I don't think she's writing anything...for various friends and family members. (Goodness, I wonder if she's doing on of me! Not necessary at all!) Glad you've planned things out and are somehow working around the oven issue.

    1. It is a tedious chore. I know that Jaira (my daughter-in-law) will love it and that keeps me on task. I enjoy the story writing part. It is not like I can explain who all the people in the photos are, though. Some of them are before Jeff would remember them. Even though he my most sensitive child, he is still a man and would just tell her he has no idea who those people are! I am using original pictures and not worrying that it will leave me without them. This way, the kids will get the pictures of themselves before I die, and they have a bunch of my stuff to pick through. I still have two more children to do ....

  2. Travel safely, and enjoy your holiday and anniversary! I never get tired of eating food that I've already prepared. It means I don't have to make more for a while. Hick is ready for something else after the second day, but not ready enough to cook for himself!

    1. I don't mind eating leftovers, in fact, I think some are better the second time around. But this meatloaf was massive for two people, and I should have frozen half of it. Now we are on the road, and it will be spoiled by the time we return. Hindsight and all that.

  3. Travel safely, enjoy being around family and happy eaely anniversary!

  4. the holiday season is busy for most everyone. I'm trying to get my cooking done as well as house cleaning since the family is coming here this year.

    1. I will definitely enjoy family. We will head further south to see the twins and my nephew's family. I always enjoy time with those babies! Then my son will be here the day after Christmas and I am thrilled to see him!

  5. My Dad was in the Navy, and I disliked uprooting every other year. I enjoy getting a break from everyday life every now and again, but I am a homebody at heart. My toaster oven gets a lot of use!

  6. Do you have a twitter account? GE certainly does. Sometimes large corporations will respond if you "at" them.


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