Why Do I Have To Be The Adult?

 I spent last night with my two best friends, insomnia and indigestion. Sitting upright helps with the stomach acid, so I got up and made some tea and sat sipping until the tea was stone cold. I read blogs, I played games. Watched TV, hoping for sheer boredom to make my eyes close. 

I finally went back to my bed at 4:30 this morning and lay there watching light fill the bedroom. I did not check the time, but the sun was up before my eyes finally closed. I slept until 11:30. That was really pushing the boundaries of dog bladders, so it came as no surprise to encounter a puddle on the floor. Toni Louise just couldn't contain her bladder. Not her fault. She was not even scolded.

But, did she have to avoid the giant pee pee pad adorning the floor adjacent to her puddle? Still, she is as old as I am and was probably quite anxious to relieve herself. I cleaned it up and made coffee. HeWho sleeps, but swears he was awake all night, arose from his slumber and announced that he was going fishing.

This actually made me feel better. As soon as he left, I gathered all the rugs and vacuumed the floors and then mopped. I hate to try to do this when he is underfoot. He will either try to "help" by following closely behind me as if I am a basketball guard trying to thwart his attempt to score; or sit in his recliner looking like a little kid who was just scolded by his parents. I find both annoying and always try to do housework when he is absent.

He returned before I was done to make use of the bathroom and prevent me from mopping that room until he exited. He asked if I needed his help (NO) and then went back for his big catch. The floor dried, I put down the clean rugs while the others were being washed. Nice clean pee pee pad was applied over a rug. I am not kidding, this thing is huge and I have two of them so I can swap them out. All three dogs could pee on this and it would absorb it all. My old Saint Bernard could pee on it and her puddles were legend.

I swept the porch, got pork chops from the freezer to thaw and folded laundry from yesterday. Then I was just about to sit down, when I remembered to take my meds (for all the good it does). 

I fill a months supply at a time and noticed that we are down to one week and started pulling the empty containers out of the drawer of meds when I discovered a good handful of loose pills in the bottom of the drawer. Why would this be, you may be wondering. I know what happened and how this came to be.

HeWho is my husband has led a sheltered life, not having asked to be born, it is assumed that the women in his life are to be his keepers. His mom told me he didn't ask to be born. I, on the other hand must have cut in line to be first and stood yelling "pick me, pick me" until I was picked. So I must be self sufficient! Right?

When HeWho takes the pills I so lovingly sort for him into the containers that say "day" on one side and "night" on the other, he will leave the little lid open and shove the container back into the drawer.

 This causes the attachment of the lid to weaken over time and then they will open on their own .... usually when he opens another one and tips it into his palm. This happens over the open drawer. They don't all fall into the drawer, mind you, but they fall onto the kitchen counter, the floor, the air register in the floor .... You get the picture.

This is not just annoying, it is dangerous to the dogs, and expensive if he decides to just throw them out and pick another container. He will gather up what he can find and give them to me with a look of utter helplessness on his face. This when I tell him to close his mouth, lest he looks simple.

My day and night pills are mixed together and I have enough wherewithall to pick out the day pills and take them, leaving the night pills for bedtime. I know what each and every pill is, what it is for and when to take it. He hasn't a clue and his pills are harder to tell one from the other, as several of them look alike. I can tell on careful inspection and I can sort them out.

When I am sorting said pills and putting them back where they belong is when I discover that more are missing and launch a search for the missing ones. All the while hoping a dog did not find a "treat" on the floor. His blood thinner would likely kill them should they partake of that one. Same with the blood pressure meds. I am not sure what the cholesterol drugs would do (he takes THREE different ones), but it can't be good. I just hope the taste of a bitter pill would encourage them to spit it out.

Just the other day you would have found me with gloves on, sorting through Mr. BoJangles upchucked stomach contents looking for remnats of pills.

I am tired of adulting today.


  1. You need to ditch those two best friends! HeWho has spent years making sure you will turn down his offers of help. Otherwise, he wouldn't offer. The pill-dropping makes me relieved that our pets are outside. I usually find Hick's escaped pills stuck to the bottom of my heel. Heh, heh. He STILL takes them, even after I explained where they turned up.

    1. I never throw the pills away, you know how I feel about wasting things! I would probably still take it if I had to fish it out of the dog's mouth. Eddie, maybe, or even Bo. Toni Louise has really bad teeth, but I would feed it to HeWho and not tell him. I mean, she IS his dog!

  2. I always enjoy reading your blog entries so much, and even when you aren't having such a good time, I have to laugh at the way you tell your stories. You almost always give me reason to smile at some point in your dialogue.

    1. Thank you, I rarely have a day that doesn't make me laugh at some point! Better to laugh than cry, it changes nothing.


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