Raining, Again

 The past week or so has been a blur. Unable to sleep, I have been muddling through each day in a daze. No accomplishing much of anything. I harvested 3 tomatoes and now the plants are leafless. My garden seems to have been invaded by bugs I can't see and none of my remedies are working.

While I am without any impetus to do anything, HeWho is starting new projects and always looking for something to do. My thoughts are that he could FINISH some of his pojects, but what do I know.

Another visit to the clinic this morning. More blood drawn and still looking for a solution to my current status. I seem to be at the bottom, looking up. In addition to all my other symptoms, I can't sleep and walk stagger around like a drunk person, making me afraid to ascend the steps to the embankment where my happy place is.

I slipped on the rock up there a few days ago and fell in a most interesting way. My right leg was bent under my butt and the left was straight out. My knee was full of gravel and it took great effort to pull my bent leg from under me. The hostas were close and I didn't want to squash them. Living in the woods has it advantages .... no one saw me. Or, maybe that was a disadvantage, depending on your point of view.

I am not dizzy, just light headed. HeWho insisted on driving me to the clinic today and even joined me in the treatment room. He rarely does that, he must be worried. We arrived in the parking lot to see a man carefully bagging a small dead kitten that had just been run over. That was unpleasant. Then he decided to tell My NP that I snore when I do sleep! So now I have a sleep study in my future. I can assure you that I have never heard me snore!

And now it is raining, again. Supposed to rain every day for the next 10 days. This is not helping my current mood.


  1. I hope you get to the bottom of all this!

    1. I have stayed up all night and just gone on with the next day on some nights. I still have trouble falling asleep after that. My mind just will not shut down. We talked about sleeping pills, but I just don't want to get caught up in that and not be able to sleep without one. Melatonin works sometimes, but not all the time. By the time we are done she will have tested every body function! My cardiologist is having a hard time diagnosing my arrythmia, too. Maybe I am just an anomaly and can't be fixed!

  2. Lack of sleep and nasty weather is a bad combination.

    1. If the rain would simply rain and not be a gully washer. I have planted grass seed three times and everytime I do the rain washes most of it into the ravine.

  3. I am relieved that you are taking precautions with the light-headedness. HeWho must indeed be worried about you. Hope you can get it figured out and get back to your routine.

  4. So sorry to hear that you're still looking for answers, and still suffering from the light-headedness and even fell once. I'm glad to hear your HeWho is getting involved in helping you. If only he would finish something he started! Right?

  5. omg Kathy. what the hell is going on. everyone i know is going through some sort of medical bullshit. been raining everyday here too. not a lot but still. sounds like maybe tomato hornworms got your tomato plants. they can defoliate a plant in days nd they are hard to spot because they blend right in.


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