No Place Like Home

 On the way home now and I can finally take some time to absorb all that has happened. We left last Friday. What were we thinking? Knowing that we had to go through part of Atlanta, it was an act of insanity! The traffic was brutal and it was miserably hot.

Friday was my birthday, I had totally forgotten until my sister-in-law called right before we left home. Not exactly a fun day, but at the end of the first day's journey there was cake and presents from my nephew and his wife. My daughter-in-law was feeling bad that there would be no celebration, but there was.

I liked the cake and the solar lights and a frog for my gardens, but spending time with the babies was my favorite part. Listening to them talk made my heart sing. They are so smart and so cute. Big boys with big boy haircuts, they look like 3 year olds. Jonah entertained me with some flash cards, eagerly showing me that he knows his numbers and colors. Josiah does, too, but he is man of few words. He gives great bye-bye kisses, though.

The main purpose of the trip was to see our cousin, Doris and try to help her figure out her next step with her husband. He needs multiple organ transplants. His has lived with liver disease for many years, but it has become critical. He needs a kidney, a liver and his pancreas has stopped working.

He was in Miami for a month, they sent him back to Gainesville and now talk about going back to Miami. If you find this confusing, you are not alone. Nothing I can do for him, other than pray and visit. I was determined to get her seen by a cardiologist. She finally succumbed to my bullying tactics last night and went down to the ER. She has congestive heart failure and was admitted. Her O2 level was 80 and her legs are so swollen. She was determined to get her husband, Kevin taken care of before she took time for herself. 

We had to leave to come home, but I feel a lot better knowing they are doing a full work up on her and she is being taken care of. It was still hard to leave her. I spent the morning running around the hospital to get all of her meds out of Kevin's room for the nurse to record and then locking her purse up in her car. I am now very familiar with another hospital!

I will need to call tonight for a status update on both of them. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. She will need to procure accomodations suitable for him to come home to before they will put him back up for review for a transplant. They will have to stay in Miami for about a year if he is accepted. They are currently in Gainesville at Shands hospital. Everything has been put on hold until Doris is well enough to be released.

Doris is scatterbrained in the best of times and this is far from from the best. I am still very worried about her and I suppose I will be until she is on the mend for sure. I will be happy to get home tomorrow, though! There really is no place like home.


  1. Good that you went on trip through Hot-lanta, traffic snarl of the universe! And that that trip meant you could help your cousin, as well as see the little darlings. She (Doris) does sound like there's more on her plate than one person can deal with. Hopefully the medical staff of Shands (and a good social worker too!) will be able to help her with next steps.

    1. I hated leaving her, but at least they will take care of her medical needs. She has always been a little scattered. She jumps from one thing to the next and ends up accomplishing very little. Her diet is horrible, she has been existing on caffienne and nicotienne with salty junk food. Her husband is in ICU and not doing well. His pancreas has stopped working, so insulin has been added to his regimen. He can't eat much and now his stomach is full of clots. It is not a good situation for either of them. Nothing else I can do, so we are looking forward to being home today.

    2. So good of you to go help when they need it. Hey, we are birthday buddies! My 65th birthday was last Friday and today was my first day of retirement!

    3. I have a cousin who shares my birthday, too. She is 3 years younger than me and I haven't seen her in years. Retirement would be more fun if I have more energy! A belated happy birthday to you!

  2. you are an angel in disguise to make that trip and do all that. do they not have any family members close by?

  3. Good for you, getting her to seek medical attention for herself! That is a terrible O2 level! Worse than mine when I had to spend four days in the hospital with pneumonia! It's good that you got to see the twins, and had a birthday party. I hope your cousin and her husband can get things worked out to assist with their care. At least you've done what you can to help, and are now back home.


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