Energy Level

 I had some energy yesterday, but I used it all to mow. Mowing my little patches of grass takes less than a hour. It was the 5 battery changes and going up and down the steps that was draining my energy.

I took some Melatonin, hoping it would allow me to ease into a peaceful sleep. It didn't. I lay there awhile, hope running deep, and listened to all the tiny sounds of a house and the creatures in it. Eddie was alert. He somehow knows when I am awake, no matter how still I might be. HeWho is my lifemate is woefully unaware of my sleeplessness. He will say he didn't sleep either at the end of a restless night for me. Does he forget that I am wide awake and know if he is?

I finally get up and after helping my short-legged friend to the floor, we make our way to the sofa where I will sip some herbal tea and we decide whether to watch TV or listen to a book. Eddie and I have read three books this week, all mysteries.

I made my way back to bed at nine this morning. It is 1:00 now and HeWho is being very considerate, questioning me about what I want to eat. I know he is trying to be helpful, but I find it annoying. Allergies are making him sniff loudly and I finally tell him to go blow his nose before his head explodes. He has left, the man of the house in search of food. 

It is quiet now and Dora, the turtle and I stare at each other. I watched her carefully ascend onto her platform under her heat lamp. She has one of her front feet flat against her habitat, as if to wave at me. She knows where her daily worm comes from. She likes a cabbage leaf every other day or so, as well. She is growing.

I like silence. It leaves me free to think. My mind wanders, with no particular destination. I have managed to clear my patch of woods from underbrush, so much so that I can see the driveway through the window next to me. If I had some energy I would be up on that embankment planting the 3 limelight hydrangeas I bought Friday night on the way to our favorite eating establishment.

They are already over 2 feet tall and so lovely. I found them on Marketplace and I met the nicest lady. We could have talked for hours about flowers. Poetry! We stood until a light drizzle until HeWho was hungry started making noise about wanting to eat. I will go back another day. I have stacks of nursery pots that need to be recycled that I will take to her. I saw some other plants that need to come home with me. 

This past Friday I mustered up the necessary energy to tackle the making of the bed in the RV. That mattress hates me! It wedges tightly between the skinny night tables and I have to pull it down to put the fitted sheet on. I always seem to forget that the bottom of the mattress can fold in half making it easier until I have wrestled with it to get the sheet on. Then I tell myself that I will remember the next time. I won't. I put all the clean towels and other items that have been waiting to be put away where they belong. Everything has to be secured or it will fly around when the we are on the road.

HeWho has been yearning to take a trip and we plan to leave after my appointment Wednesday. Unfortunately, the trip is not for pleasure. We will be heading south, so we will be stopping along the way to see family and that part is good. But the purpose of the trip is to see our cousin. She needs some support. Her husband has been hospitalized for the past two months, closer to three. He needs a kidney, a liver and his stomach and part of his intestine. He is very sick. He has been in Miami, waiting to be evaluated for being put on the transplant list.

They are transferring him back to the hospital in Gainesville next week. I am afraid that they have decide he is too sick to be consdidered for the procedure. They have only told her that since she has no family or any friends in Miami, they are sending him back to where she has a support group around her. She is scared and alone in Miami. He continues to get worse daily. We were prepared to go to Miami, but I have yet to find an RV park close to the location of the hospital. I hate to say that I am relieved they will be sending him to Gainesville. Her brother lives there and it will be far easier to find a place to stay for us. They told her there are only two hospitals that do multi-organ transplants of the type he needs, one is in Miami and one in Washington state. It is not good news for him that he is being transferred.


  1. Hope your energy improves bit by bit. And don't worry about sheets and mattresses. I figure you can do that kind of thing later. Procrastination is good when you're fighting whatever ! Sorry your trip south to see cousin and sick husband isn't for pleasure, but going to FL this time of year seldom is...unless you find one of those springs/sink holes, clear rivers to spend the day in. The Itchituckny River isn't that far from a tube or raft and spend the day!

    1. As inviting as floating on a river sounds, we have our dog to consider and comforting our cousin will be a full time endeavor. She had a stroke last year and now she is having pitting edema in her ankles, but has failed to follow-up with a cardiologist. This is her second husband that she has had to take care of as they died and is a basket case right now. For whatever reason, she will listen to my husband and he will be able to make her see about her own health and I will be there for her husband in the hospital. They have not told her that he will most likely die soon and that he is too sick to withstand the procedures and rehabilitation, but I am pretty sure this is the case. The medical staff has to see that she is teetering on the edge and they want someone with her when they tell her. As much as I don't want to be "it", there seems to be nobody else in the family with the patience to deal with her. She would do the same for me. She spent her growing up years with my mother-in-law and is more like a little sister to my husband than a cousin. We all do what we have to for family.

  2. The political climate is making me very unhappy, and I have to force myself to blog.

    1. Well, if I wasn't depressed enough, there is politics! I am not sure what this week will bring with my doctor's appointment. If I have to begin a new regimen of drugs I don't know how wise it would be to be traveling if I have negative reaction to a new drug. But, family comes first. We may have to delay the trip by a couple of days, but we have to go.

  3. Sorry about the reason for your trip. Maybe the travel and the change of scenery will allow you to sleep.

    1. A change of scenery will definitely help. We will make the trip be a two day event. It is less than 8 hours, but we will spend the night at my nephews house and I will see the babies. That will make me happy, hearing those little boy voices as they learn to talk. I need to visit my sister's grave and maybe plant some flowers there. The cemetery is owned by the family, so I can actually put them in the ground next to her. Maybe then she will pay me a visit!


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