I've Got Grass!


I've got grass! I hunted for a picture of this same area and could find none. I will try to rereate it with words .... See all that rock? It went all the way to the small porch that leads to the door that opens onto the screened porch. It was apparently used to park vehicles on. Every Spring, it purges more rock and I use the garden rake to move it away. Then I hopefully spread grass seed. This year I put too many bags to remember of topsoil down and then a heavy layer of grass seed. Finally, I have grass coming up! I do realize that I might have to repeat this again next Spring, but that should yield a thick carpet of grass that I can walk barefoot on!

Here we go, I did find a picture of the rocky front yard! This area has changed so much to be barely recognizable, although the big rock is still there.

Last year I planted a small packet of Hollyhock seed. For weeks I looked and looked to see if the seed had come up and saw nothing. As the hot summer turned to cooler fall days I noticed something coming up and I thought it must be weeds, having given up on any hollyhocks rising from yhe ground. I actually pulled and tossed some of the seedlings! I decided to let the three remaining seedings grow, you know, just in case it would turn out to be something I wanted. Now I could kick myself for tossing the other tiny seedings that I thougt were weeds!

Now, I will just let things grow until I can recognize what they are! Isn't my one Hollyhock lovely? It is over 6' tall and full of buds just waiting to bloom!

I have been too busy to write for some time. The Hollyhock inspired me, though. The deck is coming along nicely. The build is complete and now we are burning it to finish it (shou sugi ban). I will still use a sealer after we finish, but I like the results so far.

Coffee is gone and time to get out there before the sun makes its way to the deck. More pictures to come.


  1. A really lovely Hollyhock. And they might seed themselves, if I remember right.

  2. Barbara had the same thoughts as I did, but posted them first :-)

    1. I was so excited to see that first bloom. I have never grown them before.

  3. I love hollyhocks but they don't do well down here. I thought they bloomed on the second year.

    1. This is the second year, I am just glad I didn't puul this one up!

  4. Yes, hollyhocks reseed. When I was growing up, there was always one by the garage man door. Everything is looking grand.

  5. Went down the rabbit hole a bit with shou sugi ban. What a beautiful technique. Did you do your boards individually or are you going to do the deck as a unit. Gotta love the Japanese aesthetic.


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