As My Garden Grows

 Here I am. My photos refuse to download .... again. I think it is my phone and I am sure if I called verizon to see what may be causing this, they will suggest a new phone. You know, an updated version. I HATE new phones. I am old and do not enjoy new things. Well, unless it is a plant.

Speaking of plants, my gardens are finally filling out, just like I knew they would. I may have told you all that it would take three years before they started to spread. I was going to display pictures for your viewing pleasure.

The crepe myrtle tree located at the top of the drive, just beyond the chainsaw frog is looking quite healthy, towering above the small azalea I planted at the end of the season last year. The iris start there, beginning with the deep purple bearded ones, then on into the lavender, then yellow. As they began to fade away, the yellow day lilies took over the task of providing color. Coreopsis is alive with their own yellow and white flowers. As the daylilies are beginning to produce less flowers, the tiger lilies are popping. The hibiscus are about to pop open with their magnificent flowers the size of dinner plates.

This is the only photo to download. I bought these while they were dormant and had no idea what color or variety of gladiola they would turn out to be. Vibrant red, they make me smile.

Along with the abundance of lilies, the periwinkle blue balloon flowers are blooming. Then we hit shade and tons of hosta. Ferns, too.

You may be wondering if the deck is done. It is, but the stairway to deck heaven, not so much. The steps up to the embankment are steep, but able to be navigated. The steps up to the deck are good. There is about a 4' gap that is in between the steps and this is where things are iffy.

I had suggested that we put a landing of sorts between the steps. Of course he didn't "hear" my idea and went on with something he thought would work. A series of steps lead to the deck steps. They are not uniform, so he tried to fix this by using a bigger step atop a couple of the smaller steps and created a very uneven, hazardous way up. On the way down, these uneven steps turn into tripping hazards and must be navigated carefully by me, lest I trip on that last one before the steps down the embankment and fall headfirst onto the graveled parking spot below.

He has moved on the another project that is proving to be even more challenging. I would dismantle his "steps", but when he puts a screw into a board, it is intended to remain there for all eternity. Near to impossible to unscrew, defeating the main feature of a screw ....... that it makes it easier to correct a mistake than having to pry a nail out. Just my opinion, of course, but I am right more often than not.


  1. Thanks for the verbal descriptions of your photos. Too bad they won't load onto blogger, or at least your computer if that's where you blog. I have difficulties too, and ended up emailing my photos from the phone to myself, then download from emails on the computer and then can edit and load into blogs. It is a lot of extra steps, but I've done it for years since the PC and iPhone cameras don't like to talk to each other. I do hope you get the steps changed so they are safer.

  2. I would love to see what you described. it's so hot here that the only thing blooming really is the orange cosmos and the orange lantana. one or two day lilies.


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