The Storm

 I wasted the day away yesterday, just too tired to do anything. I was still awake at 4 am yesterday and slept about 3 hours in all. No nap, just a whole lot of sitting and reading. I did venture out to look at my gardening efforts thus far, but didn't even pull a weed! That is not like me!

I always harbor guilt when I do nothing. HeWho tells me there is nothing to feel guilty about, and he would know! He has been busy trying to read the instruction manual for his new toy, the robot mower. He sits in his recliner with the lamp by his chair on, the overhead light on and the flashlight from his phone. The print is so tiny he can't read it.

He declined my offer of a magnifying glass and finally dragged out the printer and printed the entire book in a bigger font. I figure they must have been environmentally aware and were trying to save paper because it took quite a stack of printing paper. Paper is not cheap!

After he printed his reading material, we went to bed. I actually fell asleep before he did and don't remember the time. I do remember the screaming alarms of both our phones at 12:32 AM! A tornado warning telling us to take cover. I looked at my bed mate and asked just where we should hide. We have no hidey hole here, perched above the rushing creek at the bottom of the ravine.

The rain was coming down with fury and I gathered the boy dogs close to me. Toni Louise, the weather dog was under the bed moaning. She really hates bad weather. I knew she would be shaking, too. HeWho said there was nowhere to go and turned over to go back to sleep. I told him I loved him and life had been nice. Well, I said it to his back.

The rain started coming down at a slant and was really loud. I could feel the wind and Mr. BoJangles offered no resistance to being held tight. He usually does not care to be cuddled. I don't know how long the storm raged, but it finally subsided and I went back to sleep.

We all slept until almost 1:30! I fully expected some damage outside, but found none. It is sloppy wet, so I will be spending another day watching movies. I did go outside expecting to see a lot of downed trees, but other than leaves all over the ground and puddles everywhere, things looked good.


  1. Maybe buy a couple of motorcycle helmets that you can put on while you hunker down in the bathroom?

    1. That image in my mind made me laugh! Had I bought this property before a house was on it, I would have built one in the high embankment with a basement under it. I lack the energy to start over!

  2. Same here, went back to sleep. The electricity blinked a few times, which only meant my phone bleeped a few times - not sure why. Glad you all were safe and no damage to your trees.

    1. I found a huge limb leaning into the huge oak next to the She Shed. No damage to the shed, but the limb will provide plenty of firewood for the fire pit. It was already dead and good for nothing else. I did go back to sleep after the rain calmed down.

  3. I read about your storm. Happy all are safe.

    1. Me, too! Nothing happened that couldn't be cleaned up easily.

  4. HeWho responds just like Hick. But I'm sure you already knew that. His son The Veteran called to see if we were okay, and Hick said, "If it hits me, it hits me. There's nothing I can do about it. Everything will be fine. Go to the basement if you need to." Making no move himself to go to our basement, and not realizing how the "everything will be fine" statement would go over. The Veteran had a bunch of trees blown down around his his house last during the last tornado, one of them landing on his truck.

    1. I would have gone to a basement, happily and left him to his own fate! We had a storm with straight line winds in MN. I followed my dogs to the basement and HeWho stood watching at the sliding doors in the dining room! We had a good bit of damage that resulted in a new roof and new siding. I asked the idiot what would have happened if the doors blew in on him. His reply? "It didn't."

  5. Replies
    1. Just the sheeting rain and howling wind and it was over soon enough. A tornado did touch down about 40 miles to the west of us and left some peple homeless. So, yes, we were lucky.


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