Progress ....


Standing in the shadow of the tree line, I was taking a water break, admiring my efforts. Mulch makes such a difference. I am not quite done here, I still have to cover those dead leaves with more mulch. Still, it is coming along.

Pivoting, the daylilies I transplanted are looking a bit sad. They should perk up soon. I needed to fill in that litte gap there. You can't really see in the picture, but the slope is daunting for an old lady with vertigo! There were some wicked briar things growing there. I dug up what I could and then planted and covered the entire area with cardboard before mulching. Here's hoping they won't come back.

I need more mulch, you just can't have too much mulch! I have about 25 feet to go here, until I am done with this portion. Then I will have the entire side of the driveway done!

This picture was taken shortly after we moved in.

This is that same spot now. I am staying in today to rest all the muscles. The major storm this morning helped me stay in. THere was a severe storm warning again, telling me to take cover. I watched TV instead and HeWho sleeps, slept. The sun is out now and everything has had a good soaking, so when HeWho left to go "clean out the boat" before the guy comes to fix the pontoon, I took adavantage of that precious alone time to sweep, vacuum and mop the entire house. Keep in mind there isn't that much space to mop, only 350 square feet, most of which is covered with furniture and cabinets and appliances.

Still, made my back hurt, but made my psyche feel so much better. Now I am going to bake a cake to go with all the leftovers in my fridge.


  1. Gosh, no wonder your back hurts! So glad the leftovers didn't go in the cake!

    1. That would make a most inedible cake! I made a bundt cake, using a box mix with a few added ingredients and poured the icing over the cake. The icing is the Texas Cake icing. This is one of the few chocolate treats that I like.

  2. I have had luck with transplanting perennials if I covered them for a day. Old umbrellas,cardboard boxes, anything to keep the sun off. Your work is paying off!

    1. This area was shaded when I put them in and it has rained nearly every day since. As I am anticipating the addition to our house, I have quite a few plants that will need to be relocated.

  3. It's looking great, and it's not the mulch. It's the elbow grease.

    1. There was more elbow grease than mulch, for sure! Good thing I enjoy the work.

  4. you have certainly transformed your property! I've never liked that red mulch. I use pine bark mulch.

    1. I started with the red and it is just easier to continue with it. It goes on sale a lot. There is a lot of pine straw being used around here. I used it when we lived in the southern part of Georgia, but was warned that roaches loved the stuff and that is always in the back of my mind!

  5. Don't overdo it! You're no good if you're injured. You've made so much progress. No need to rush it.

    1. Seems like I always start slow in the spring until my body becomes accustomed to more movement after hibernating all winter. This year, though, I can't seem to get back into the groove. Must be getting old?


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