Men Toys

 I left you with visions of a robot mowing my yard yesterday. Before you get the idea that I will not be mowing my own yard with my Ryobi push mower with a very small deck that allows me to get into tight places .....

The new mower is for the portion of the leach field that we are responsible for. The riding mower that he bought when we moved here is back in the shop with a belt issue for the second time. This prompted him to research other mowing options.

Yesterday morning was spent moving one garden to another area that I took some pictures of that are now trapped in my phone. I also thinned some seedlings of cauliflower and brussel sprouts and spread them among many large pots. My raised beds are full. I have watermelon growing in a pot, as well as tomatoes. I can't wait to start harvesting this stuff.

After I napped and got everything ready for supper that included a Key Lime Cheesecake that did not need an oven. I thought I had graham crackers, but didn't, so I used Ritz carckers for the crust. Before you think I am crazy, it turned out to be really good. Unlike that Ritz cracker cake I made.

I ventured out as the sun had moved and my front yard was in the shade. "What are you doing?" I asked the man in my yard screwing something into the ground. It was the charging platform for his yard roomba. Prominently displayed, the first thing I see as I walk out the front door! Beside it was the 5' tall satellite finder. Well, not right beside it. I made him move it all, reminding him that I would still be mowing my yard and did not need more obstacles to make the mowing difficult.

He was about to point out obstacles I had placed in the yard and wisely kept his mouth shut and moved his apparatus to where I told him to. Just think, soon all the men in the "neighborhood" will be up on the road next to the leach field watching a robot mow the grass. I suppose it will keep them occupied every few days. 


  1. I think that is one apparatus too far. I remember how my Roomba choked up on innocuous stuff. How fast will a lawn mower choke up, I wonder.

    1. I suppose we shall see. He still has not come up with the code for navigating the thing. He spent a good deal of the evening copying the instruction book on our printer. Yes, you read that right. The print is small and he wanted to enlarge it. He just provides me with so much to write about!

  2. Oh I'd love to see robo-mower! What a smart idea to use AI for that task.

  3. The wives of the men in the "neighborhood" will be quite happy with HeWho's new toy!


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