
 When I am so distraught I can no longer bear to think about things, I write. When I am overjoyed, I write. Just the way I can process. Today I am just so heartbroken. Is there anything more horrible than to not be able to take your child's pain away?

My baby girl, Adrienne lost her puppy today. Birdie was the happiest little dog ever and went to the vet to be spayed and had a bad reaction to the anesthesia. She died. My grandson called me so she could talk to me while he drove her to the vet's office. She cried and I cried and we both were unconsolable. She loves all her dogs, but Birdie was special. The little dog would hold her front paws up to her when she was tired and wanted to be held. Seeing her with her little dog made me so happy.

If we live long enough we will all suffer losses. Part of life. I think I will go wash my face and prepare dinner. I wish I lived closer to my baby girl. I am just so sad for my girl.


  1. Such sad news. I know you would take her pain away if you could. Life is hard. Dealing with death is harder.

    1. She is much better mow that the shock is over. I think the fact that it was so totally unexpected and Birdie had lived such a short life made it so hard to comprehend. Had it been her oldest dog, Max, she would have been sad and hurt, but not like this. Parenting via the phone just plain sucks!

  2. Replies
    1. Life is often not fair, but it is easier to take if it happens to you and not your children. I am so happy that she has a close friend there. Carolyn's family treats her as if she is one of theirs and I feel the same about Carolyn. Glad they could fill in for me.

  3. Oh my heart goes out to you both. Sigh.

    1. Loving a pet means that one day you will be devastated with grief. But in the end, it is worth it. I would not want to go through life without a pet that loves me so unconditionally.

  4. Replies
    1. She was pretty devastated and couldn't talk on the phone without her sobbing. She texted that she felt like she was being punished. I was wrapped in guilt when the dogs mauled my cat to death, so I knew how she felt. All I could do was remind her that Birdie's short life was filled with love and that when she passed over Rainbow Bridge, she shared all that love with all the dogs who had been mistreated. Trite? I know, but it seemed to help her put things in perspective.


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