He Huffed and He Puffed

 I though I had fixed the download problem for pictures .... I didn't. I took some nice photos of the retaining wall and all the blueberries on my bushes. The strawberry plants are blooming. I will need to net it soon.

Meanwhile, HeWho is still patting his own back about the great wall he built, has now decided to construct a deck up on the embankment. His wife told him that he chose a spot that was not level in the least. I was proven right when he finally roped the 10 X 12' space off and discovered that it will have to be 40" high on the high end and then touching the ground on the low end. He wants to eventually close it in on three sides to create an outdoor kitchen. 

He went so far as to pick up the lumber for this project yesterday. He likes the shopping part and the planning part. He was "working on it" today. He was going to haul those block thingies that support the structure up the stairs he built today. He huffed and he puffed while laboriously making his way to the stairs. All uphill. Everything is uphill or downhill here. I watched, offered to attempt to carry one over the the steps for him. I decided not to after one try to pick one up. Those things are heavy!

I suggested that he implement some of the tools we have in the shed to assist. The handtruck was employed and then he decided to use the golfcart. Have I mentioned that the golfcart has issues? The brakes don't work well. It has trouble making it up the driveway and when you "park" it the brakes don't hold. I have suggested more than once that he should have someone who knows what they are doing to fix it.

He found this offensive, but wouldn't it already be fixed if he knew how? I said as much, but this did not prevent him from using it to haul just two of those block thingies up to the top of the driveway and then down past my She Shed. I tried to ignore the commotion as I watched him almost hit the She Shed trying to turn the thing around.

I made my way up there to offer my assistance. I was not happy to see the mess he made spinning tires. He decided what it needed was more weight in the front and told me to climb in. I did so reluctantly, and later jumped out when it seemed as if we would roll backwards and through some trees and down to the driveway.

I volunteered to place a cinder block behind the wheel before leaving him to his own devices.  He left to go purchase something having to do with a belt. I wasn't really listening as I had an audiobook on while I went about my own business.

The sun was high when he returned, but he got the golfcart back to lower land. I decided that I was done for awhile and went in to tend to inside chores. After cleaning the bathroom, I decided that Eddie and I should nap a bit. My sciatic nerve was giving me a bit of a fit.

The deck has now taken a back seat. HeWho has a new toy! He bought a roomba that mows!


  1. At least HeWho is getting out and doing things now, rather than holding down his recliner. So there's that... Even though it will probably lead to more work for you to correct his errors.

    1. Yes, he seems to have awakened from his always sitting or sleeping way of life.

  2. a roomba that mows? nice I guess if you have a level fenced in yard.

    1. Supposedly, you program it with coordinates and it will mow that designated area. Flat land and slopes. We'll see, since so far he has yet to find the code to program it. I'll just continue to use my push mower.


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