As The Pollen Flies

 Warm and sunny and I am out of energy. I feel like I have not accomplished much today. HeWho has been a whirlwind of energy and accomplishment.

I took this picture last night before the sun slipped away. Then I went inside and threw a meal together. I was done for the day.

When I went out this morning I discovered that HeWho had laid the decking before he came in last night. Now he is getting ready to screw the boards down and get the rest of the deck boards up there.

This picture makes it look unlevel and crooked. It is not, checked it myself. The other end is sitting on the ground. I didn't realize just how much the ground sloped! My pink flamingoes light up at night!

While HeWho played with his deck, I started the foot path that will lead up to my She Shed. A good start, but I have so much more to do! I planted hostas on either side and will pick up more path lights when I head out to shop. The ground is very rocky and hard to dig, but I have determination on my side!

This the view form the other side and it looks like just a short distance to my shed, but I am only about 1/3 of the way done and running out of boards. Not to worry, I still have quite a stash of the side cuts of logs being milled. I also have a chain saw!

Besides the flamingoes, I found this old planter and put some rescued plants from my trip to the home improvement store. I planted two gardenia bushes on either side of the flamingos and an azalea closer to the edge of the embankment where the sun can reach it. I see a lot of mulch in my immediate future!

So, now that I am sitting here looking at what I have done, I guess I did okay. Well in between sneezes!


  1. The hostas are beautiful, but are you concerned about deer?

    1. So far it hasn't been a problem. Bears, on the other hand, have paid us more than a few visits. They are looking for garbage and tend to leave my gardens alone. They are destructive as they push their way through the woods. Once out in the open they just want garbage and we keep ours locked up and they can't get to it.

  2. You both are getting so much accomplished. I guess HeWho just needed summer to roll in and roll him out.

    1. I think he is finally realizing he should get up and do something and it akes you feel better!

  3. Oh gardenias! I hope to find one at the garden sale put on by the town beautification committee tomorrow afternoon. I've missed having one. Is that your house that the patio will overlook? It's a nice sheltered place with lots of trees around it. I'm imagining you all sitting on the deck enjoying some nice glasses of something.

    1. I got the gardenias at Walmart in Murphy. Clearanced for $5. All they needed was a good picking through to get the dead shoots out and a little love. I have already consumed a huge tumbler of water while sitting on the deck, sweat running down my brow .... There is always a gentle breeze coming through the trees up there and is quite peaceful.

  4. Everything is looking great! Will you have a way for the dogs to enjoy that deck with you? Or will Toni Louise escape?

    1. She hasn't escaped in awhile, I think her age is slowing her down. Eddie goes up there while we ae working, but he usually stays on my heels. Bo would run like the wind. The railing is going up today and will contain Toni Louise, but Bo ...... I don't know!


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