Whatever Can Go Wrong, Will

 The weather continues to be nice. It was 60 when I got up this morning. I woke at 8 and realized I had 30 minutes to get to my doctor appointment. I managed to get out the door by 8:12 and was congratulating myself on slipping out quietly and not waking the man in bed .....

You know what they say about the best laid plans? Of course you do. I looked at my car in dismay. It was under the carport and the truck was partially blocking my escape. Not only that, I was going to have to back up the long, long driveway. I can do it, I just do not want to. 

Resigned, I climbed in and readjusted to seat and seat belt to my liking. I got around the truck and was on my way up the drive, using the camera, not the mirrors, since they were wonky and not in the right place. Good thing, since I saw the transmission alert out of the corner of my eye.

Tempted to ignore it and just go on, I stopped and went in to wake the beast. This was the middle of the night to him!! I hate being late to anything and am usually early enough that I have to sit in the car and wait for a bit. It took him 6 minutes to get up and throw on his clothes and come outside to check the car to see if I was confused. I wasn't and now it is 8:19!

He let the car roll back into the carport and disappeared into the house. When asked what he was doing, he said he needed to take me and was getting dressed. I was ready in 12 minutes and that included washing my hair, drying it, styling it, slapping on a modest amount of make-up and dressing!

The thought of being tardy makes me anxious. When he finally got in the truck after snapping at me to get the dog, when Toni Louise refused to go inside. He hurt her feelings and she wanted nothing to do with a master in a bad mood offering nary a treat to her. Finally on the road for the 14 minute drive and I was not in a good mood either. He dropped me off and the staff behind the desk was surprised that I arrived late, never having done that before, but they saw me anyway.

My gout was confirmed by the results of the blood work. That was the good news. I gained 6 lbs while gouty and my kidneys are mad at me and not performing at their optimal rate. This means that I can't have any tylenol, ibuprofen, or aspirin if I get an ache. This was bad news. The new drug selected over the old drug by the insurance company is more expensive than paying out of pocket, so I didn't have to change that, but with Good RX I will be paying $50 for a 3 month supply, as opposed to the $12 I was paying on Humana. More bad news.

Stopped at McDonalds for coffee and was treated to sticker shock. We could have gone to a sit down restaurant for less. Came home to dreary skies, but nice temperature. I watered all my plants and noted that all my seeds are coming up. I planted several areas with marigold and then took a nap with my Eddie.

After Christmas, I bought some cookie mix at Walmart for 75% off. Of course, I was unable to make the cookies until I got the stove. I saw the package yesterday as I perused the contents of my pantry and decided to make them after my nap.

I did realize that they would be well past their prime, but other than tossing them out, what do you do? While mixing them, HeWho came up behind me and scared the crap out of me when I backed up into him. Then while getting a cookie sheet out, the cutting board hanging on the inside of the cabinet door came off and straight down onto the gouty toe, right where the toenail meets the skin.

I am now confined to the couch with the throbbing foot up and some really lousy cookies to soothe myself with. They are palatable, not horrible, but far from wonderful. I am happy that this day is ending. Tomorrow will most likely be an improvement!


  1. Sounds like everything that could have gone wrong did. The good news is that things should be looking up soon!

    1. Really, there is no good without the bad! How else would we appreciate the difference?

  2. I understand your chagrin. I also hate to be late. And those McDonald's prices. I haven't been there in years, since the boys moved out and don't clamor for it. Even The Pony doesn't go there on his own. Sorry for your current pain, but at least you have lousy cookies. That's better than no cookies.

    1. If you have the fast food apps on your phone, it is a little cheaper. I have enough apps on my phone and would rather eat in a sit down restaurant or at home. The cookies were so bad, the dogs didn't even like them!

  3. Tomorrow absolutely has to be better! It couldn't possibly be worse. I hope anyway.

    1. Even Steven, Karma, What goes around, comes around. I suppose it is all about balance.

  4. I've read several accounts on social media of sticker shock at fast food places recently. drug prices in the country are triple what people in other countries pay and of course the republicans are against any negotiating of costs.

    I flinched about the cutting board hitting your toe. don't have gout but do have ingrown toenails on both my big toes.

    1. I suppose we shouldn't be shocked at the prices, given the new pay rates for fast food workers, but we are not in California! The cutting board was the last straw until Mr. BoJangles decided to pounce on the toe! The current political atmosphere inspires m e to want to hide under a rock!


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