Heartbeats and Blueberries

 I must admit that I am not as young as I used to be. That is not so bad, but I no longer have the stamina to get a job done in one day! I get tired and find that extremely annoying. Even worse, is that HeWho used to sit most of the day away seems to have gotten a second wind on life!

He has made many, many trips to hardware stores and builder supply stores as he rethinks and adds to his great wall. Now he is working on a second short set of steps up to the parking spot for my car.

I tackled the lawn of the She Shed yesterday. For days I have been raking all the leaves into the void behind the retaining wall. A phenominal amount of leaves. HeWho stayed down below and packed them down with a hoe and yesterday the leaves were almost to the top. We started shoveling dirt in and plan to finish it off today with about 10 40lb. bags of garden soil. By tonight my blueberry plants will be in the ground!

But first I have an appointment with the cardiologist. Just routine. I hope she does not increase the beta blocker I am already on. It makes one tired and I am already tired. My arrythmia is getting worse, usually when I have worked all day. So I am sitting until we leave for the appointment so my heart will cooperate and beat to the right rhythm. Kind of like starving yourself before weighing in.

I have stuff to do! I will be visiting the plants at various stores to see which ones want to come to my gardens. Meanwhile, I will tell another tale of traveling.

As you can imagine, it was much warmer in Florida than on the side of my mountain. We usually have a nice cool breeze and more shade here. The RV was slap dab in the sun. HeWho would try to keep our dogs out in the RV with him and escape from all the barking and his wife and daughter talking.

My visit to the cardiologist was uneventful. We picked up the garden soil and some other supplies and headed home.

And the blueberry plants are in the ground!! Tomorrow we stucco, then I will fill the tops of the blocks with more garden soil and plant some plants that will vine over the edge. We shoveled so much of the ground dirt that it only took 5 bags of soil. That leaves me with five bags to play with!!

Soon we will be hauling in the mulch. I am tired and it seems like so much is left to do, but I have to admit that it gets easier as my gardens become established. I hear my bed calling .....


  1. Hooray for the good heart report, and just keep at the rest of it slow and easy.

    1. Not like I have a choice, my body just refuses to move!

  2. I often resort to being "turtle me" and slow down a bit whatever I'm attempting to do, which of course will still tire me out, but I won't be as out of breath while accomplishing it! Says another heart patient that needs to do more cardio exercises. So happy about your blueberry plants in the ground. I'm sure you'll enjoy lots of fruit from them in a couple of years.

    1. I love blueberries and am eager to see them full so I can harvest them!

  3. That's a nice-looking wall. I hope the blueberry plants appreciate your efforts. You are allowed to slow down and take two days instead of one to accomplish your goals. It's not like you have a schedule these days. More may get done if you don't overdo it, and prevent recovery time.

    1. seems like I can get a reasonable amout done one day, then have to only do the minimum the next. Frustrates me!

  4. It's getting colder here now and I hear my bed calling me all the damn time! But there are books and blogs to read and a cat that needs to be fed, so on I go. The wall looks nice.

    1. It will be better with stucco, but it is very sturdy.

  5. Your wall looks well made except for the fact I see no drain pipes to allow water to drain after heavy rainfalls. Without a slight backwards angle bottom to top and a couple of drain holes, that wall might eventually bow out from water pressure and/or collapse. Ask me how I know this.;)

    1. We did leave a considerable gap in the middle second layer for drainage as we are very familiar with the problem it could cause!!

  6. I had to look up beta blocker. Found out that's one of the meds my husband has been taking since his four-way bypass in 2006. He's also taken atorvastatin since then until a couple of months ago when his cardiologist gave him a different statin he said is better. I finally let the nurse-practitioner prescribe a statin for me last year. I had fought it for awhile, but then I figured if I trust my doctor, I had better listen to his advice.

    1. Atorvastatin is Lipitor and it can cause muscle weakness in the legs. We are both on restor now. Less side effects and both of us have lowered our numbers. The only good thing I can say about the Lipitor is that it made the cardiologist scan the legs of the man taking the highest dosage there is of the Lipitor with little results. That is how we discovered the blocked femoral arteries in his legs. I still wonder why the cardiologist in St. Louis didn't pick up on that, since they scanned both his legs to look for viable vessels to use for a by-pass surgery. Our cardiologist now is a woman and she is very thorough and listens to what I have to say. The one in St. Louis was very prestigious and quite impressed with himself, refusing to listen when I spoke. He, in fact, told me that he did not think I had a heart attack until the tests proved otherwise and then insisted my arrhythmia was nothing to worry about! He tried to prescribe Lipitor for me and my numbers were borderline. It was like he had an agenda for his patients and would not vary. Of course I did not take it, telling him to not waste pen and paper because I would not fill it. Bully. But turns out I was right!

  7. Also, the little blueberry bush I planted in August last year has a few berries on it! That surprised me. I got two more of them later, but they don't have berries.

    1. Uually takes a couple of years to get good results. The ones my nephew got for me were from a farm and were already bearing fruit. They seem to be quite happy in the void of the retaining wall. High hopes!

  8. yeah, I don't have the same energy. I used to be able to work out in the yard all day coming in about 6. no longer. and my afib is exactly the opposite. if I am being active it beats like a champ. it's when I'm just sitting or laying around that it was to act up.

    1. I think mine is trying to tell me I have pushed myself enough and to rest! If only my body could keep up with my mind ....

  9. I don't know how it happened, but I am able to reply to YOUR blog today. I still read you.

    1. Wow, I am honored! All the electronics seem to be acting up lately.


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