Garden Work

 Still having issues downloading pictures. Took four tries today and it still dropped some pictures. But I still got some of the ones I wanted.

The retaining wall is almost complete!

All the blocks are stacked and rebar has been pounded into the ground and cement poured. This wall is very secure. I raked all the leaves on the embankment into the void and we tamped them down along with all the cement bags we used. Then we shoeveled dirt atop the leaves. I estimated 5 40lb. bags of garden soil would fill it. HeWho thought we would need 10 bags.

We bought 10 bags and I was right, we only needed 5. Not to worry, I have plans for the extra bags! I dug up the two existing blueberry plants I had planted last year and along with the six I got at my nephew's house, I planted them all. They have been in the ground for about a week now and they would appear to be thriving.

Just this morning I planted some strawberries and they are still shocked that I would actually move them! It will take a few days for them to perk up. I also planted some creeping phlox and sedum in the cinder blocks, hoping they will vine down the wall.

The first coat of stucco is on. It was not fun doing the lower parts. HeWho did most of the work, though I did help some. If it doesn't turn out looking the way I want, I can always plant something in front of it.

Happy to be done with the wall until the stucco is completely dry, I walked up the driveway to admire my explosion of Iris. About 25 feet of the garden bordering the driveway is alive with purple and yellow Iris.

More purple than yellow. One of the photos that didn't download was of the darker purple Iris. Soon the daylilies will pop and there will be more yellow and some orange. The widest part of the garden before the trees take over is still looking a little barren. I have yet to find a perrenial that will return after one season. Moles or gophers or just plain bad luck either kills them off or they disappear in a hole.

I will persevere and keep planting. I am sure I will eventually find something that will withstand all the obstacles.


  1. All the hard work you put in is really beginning to show.

    1. I know, it takes time to build a garden. The first year was so hard, just getting the beds dugs and planted, then mulching. Second year was a lot easier, and now it is starting to look like a true garden. I will still need to mulch, bt so much less that last year. I planted two Crepe Myrtle trees last year. One died and one is thriving. I can't wait to see it bloom this year!

  2. Two or three years from now it will all look so stunning and colourful!

    1. It already looks so much better than the beginning of the adventure. I was looking at the Iris today and noticed that it will be ready to divide next year.

  3. That looks like a sturdy wall.

    1. I stood atop it .... with my walking stick in hand. I figure if it can hold me and not collapse, it is a sturdy wall.

  4. I can smell those beautiful Iris!

    1. I have lots of bumble bees and they seem to love them, but I am afraid to stick my nose too close! The bees usually leave me alone unless I approach too fast or go too close. We had apple and peach trees in Missouri and when they blossomed it was heavenly! My daughter-in-law bought an apple tree for me when we moved here. I am still looking for a peach tree.

  5. I have enjoyed my time here Kathy, but find lately I am spending far too much time reading a long blog list so I am doing some weeding, it's time for me to say goodbye.

  6. your wall looks great. and I love the purple bearded iris. I acquired some tubers/rhizomes? but they all turned out to be white with one yellow.


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