Crazy Dog Lady Used To Be Me!


Bruno has grown a bit since we last saw him at Christmas. He is sporting his life vest since he is in the pool area. See the shark fin on the back? He is wide through his shoulders and breast and very masculine! He could appear at a poker table with a cigar clamped in the side of his mouth and look right at home. A very handsome dog, indeed!

The pool is right inside the front door. Bracingly cold water did not deter me at all! After acclimating myself to the temperature, I floated around and got some sun. Had to remember to take my Vitamin D out of my pill box! It is screened in and very private with high walls. My baby girl is smart! Her house is all her own design and just lovely.

I piddled around the yard and had some suggestions about the shrubs and grass. Watering is allowed only once a week ..... nobody told me that! I watered her shrubbery and little tree and they were looking better when I left.

We went to Walmart to look at some big pots and plants for the pool area. She really liked the succulents and Cacti. She was all about the plants not marked down, while I was lingering in the clearance area ....

We found the pots first. They are lightweight, but look like cement. I suggested the putting them on the wheels to be able to move easier. Good idea, but the tiles make it tricky to roll around.

I like this one the best. The colors and texture. It was tricky to unpot the cacti without getting stuck. But, worth it, don't you think?

This pot suffered a tip-over when she tried to reposition it with her foot! Oops. It looked a little shocked the next day. It should be fine, though. 

I loved spending time with my girl, potting plants. She still needs me at times!

Birdie was modeling her bikini! She was very excited to meet me and could hardly stop wiggling. Her legs look so long to me, the lover of dogs low to the ground! She is possessed with the sweetest disposition. When she is tired she lifts her long legs up to her master to be held. My dogs do not have swim wear and I don't wipe their butts, either. Who is the crazy dog lady now?


  1. Bikini for a dog? I wonder what the dog thinks about that? The pool looks lovely.

    1. The dog just let her dress her, then take her for a dip in the pool. Poor thing thrashed around spasticly, though my daughter had hold of her the entire time. Birdie has a life vest, as well, but I am thinking it is not necessary to keep Birdie out of the water! Birdie is not a fan of swimming.

  2. Oh my gosh! A dog bikini! I am glad Bruno has a life vest. I've heard that a French bulldog can sink like a stone. That pool area is beautiful. Made better by your selected plants.

    1. I don't know why I was surprised that she would dress her dog, she has been dressing animals all her life. We had a small Siamese cat when she was around 4. I don't know if the cat stayed small due to genetics, or because as a kitten she was forced to wear Barbie clothes. Even as a child, she was determined to have her way and woe be unto the ones who rejected her efforts.

  3. glad you had a good visit. my daughter puts clothes on her dogs too. their pit bull has passed now but she swears he loved his garment.

  4. My dogs do not appreciate my attempts at making them fashionable. Eddie's short legs make it easy for him to escape the armholes. Bo just rolls around in an effort to escape.


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