It Was Freezing Last Night!


Mr. BoJangles here. It was very cold this morning! I don't know why. It was over 70 degress for the past two days and I was certain that the cold weather had moved on to torture others and leave us alone.

I just don't understand weather! Mom looks at something she calls a forecast. Late yesterday she was all about her seedlings. These are tiny little plants she sowed into some containers for the past week. She has what looks like a thousand envelopes (she calls them seed packets). 

Everytime she finds something she thinks will hold a seed with a plastic top, she will sit at the table going through all the envelopes. She will call out the names to see what Dad does. I am not sure why she does this, she will not be taking his advice on planting! She planted some eggplant seeds and Dad wrinkled his nose in disgust and announced that he would not be eating any. This seems to make Mom smile and mutter to herself "We will see about that ..."

While she plays with her seeds, us dogs are running in and out of the house to our yard to look in her garden beds. Why do they call them beds? Are the plants going to sleep there? Speaking of sleeping .... Mom suddenly decided to put pajamas on me and Eddie! I do not like to wear clothes, thank you very much! Has she not seen my very fine fur coat? Eddie, as always, cooperated with her and he stood looking miserable at her trying to put mine on. She got the top on and I was done! But she had it on backwards and said I would pee on it if I didn't let her turn it around. 

I was determined to not let her turn my top around and I growled and snarled at her and tried very hard to bite her hand. She immediately stopped and I thought that she had finally gotten the message that I was not going to wear pajamas. She lifted me up so that we were face to face and asked me if I had gone insane and forgotten just who she was. Seems I had. I lowered my eyes and submitted to her putting my top on correctly, then I meekly crawled into her lap. Mom is the true alpha of our pack.

Seems she was just trying on the pajamas and released Eddie and I from the silly costumes before she turned out the lights at bedtime. That was a relief!

But, I almost forgot to explain why I thought all that cold weather was gone. Mom mowed! During the time when her big toe was sick with something she called gout, she was unable to walk around without crying out in pain. This lasted a good two weeks. She had to sleep with her sick foot on a pillow. I tried to make a fun game of seeing if I could jump over her foot without touching it. I mostly cleared it nicely, as I am quite agile and my jumping skills are at their peak. I missed a couple of times and my back paw thumped the top of her toe and she screamed. She was asleep when I was playing my game, but she woke up immediately and screamed. Dad almost woke up and said "huh?" Eddie was mad at me for hurting Mom and would not play with me for an entire day after that!

But Mom is able to walk again and she went out to look at her garden beds. The strawberries are vining up the fence and she was quite pleased. She was not pleased at the lack of poop maintenance in our yard. Dad is not one to scoop poop and Mom filled a bag rather quickly while she was  mumbling something about Dad's skills in taking care of things while she was down with her foot. After that she told Dad to bring her mower out of hiding in his shed and bring it to her.

It was glorious! I love the smell of the grass being cut. Our yard was nice and clean, so I immediately pooped in it. Mom saw me and I thought I might be in trouble, but she just laughed and scooped it up to be taken away with all the other poop.

Last night the temperature dipped down to 22 degrees. Mom says that is below freezing and she was worried about her trees budding and two big plants she called ferns. Imagine us dogs and the surprise we got when she moved those ferns close to the house side of the porch and put a huge umbrella over them to protect them from the cold! She usually uses sheets and such, but this was genius!! Our Mom is a clever one!!


  1. I can relate with the cold weather. It hasn't even gotten out of the 30's today, and the wind is blowing hard enough to blow me down.

  2. I hope your cold snap snaps quickly and is gone for good. It snowed all day here.

    1. Snow! We had very little this season. I am not complaining!

  3. Down here in South Australia we are having a cooler day and we are very thankful for it breing only 75 degrees because for the last few weeks it has been in the high 90s and over a 100 a few times.
    I don't think you need pyjamas unless you are going to sleep outside in your winter weather.

    1. Soon I will be complaining about the heat! I was just trying them on and don't know why I even bought them. My dogs won't wear them!!

  4. Pajamas will be the least of your worries if you forget your mom's alpha-ness, Bo! And listen to Eddie and stop jumping over your mom's toe! Cuteness can only take you so far...

    1. Have I told you that Mom bites? She only does it if I am biting her, though. I don't even play bite with her like I do with Toni and Eddie. Eddie is more forgiving than Toni. Mom says that if Toni still had all her teeth I would be in big trouble!


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