Healing and Turtle Watching

 I managed to get quite a bit done yesterday, still hobbling around on the side of my foot. I cleaned my kitchen and scoured the sinks. Got caught up on laundry. The very thought of HeWho's laundry abilities make me shudder!

The most difficult task I performed yesterday was the changing of the sheets. I probably could have asked for help, but he gets impatient with all my rules of bed making and the area is tight since I insisted on the king size bed in the tiny room.

It took me awhile to get the job done and I was exhausted upon completion. My foot ached while I cooked a simple supper and continued to ache long after I was in bed. It was worth it to get into a bed with clean linen and no sand on my sheets from little paws that had been outside.

I even ventured out to look at all the signs of springs upcoming arrival. I saw bulbs sending shoot up and some daffodils. Strawberry plants galore. It was still not enough to try the steps. So, I never made it up to my She Shed. 

I voiced my intent to go see where he put that light fixture and he panicked, saying he still needed to pick up his tools. Tools? How many tools could there be? My tools are in my shed and should have been all he needed, along with the stepstool and ladder he built.

Today is another day. I will make it up the drive and have a look. I feared I may have set myself back yesterday with all the aching in my foot, but when I woke this morning there was less swelling and I can walk on my entire foot with only twinges of pain!!

While confined to my sitting position I have been working on a memory book for my daughter-in-law. This has involved many hours of sorting through old photos. A very slow process since it caused me to constantly stop and remember. Aren't memories the best?

HeWho cleaned Dora's tank, though not nearly as thorough a job as I would have done, but I  appreciate his efforts and am inclined to think that Dora did, too. He has been feeding her for me and tells me that everytime she heard my voice she looked up for me. I was able to stand and look into her tank yesterday and she splashed around in an effort to climb to me. Every night I usually give her shell a good scratching as she is still under the heat lamp and dry. My constant research tells me that she does feel that and she seems to like it. 

I recently bought a harness and leash for her! It has a sort of buckle that fits atop her shell and then leash runs through it, leaving four loops that are supposed to fit around her legs. So far, I have been unable to get all four legs in it. No instructions accompanied the apparatus. No suggestions on how to keep her from pulling her legs up into her shell. The only solution I can come up with is the put her down on the loops and when all four legs are out, pull it taut. Might work, might not. We shall see as soon as I am sure footed. She would be so cute on a walk!!

My computer is still not capturing my pictures from my phone, much to my utter annoyance. I am sure you would alove to see a turtle with a bright yellow leash taking a walk.


  1. Good to hear the foot is doing a bit better. Yes, what a great image the turtle (tortoise?) on a leash would be! Yuk on computer. Mine did that, with the fights between apple, google and microsoft wanting to control everything. I ended up sending photos to my email from the phone, then downloading them through google to my computer. I've gotten used to all the extra steps over a year now.

  2. Good that you're feeling better. HeWho needs to worry about what you might discover! Props to him for cleaning Dora's habitat, and not making a big mess or losing Dora. Like Barbara above, I email my pictures, then download them on my computer. I would love to see somebody walking a turtle! That's about the speed I could handle for a pet walk.

  3. A relief you are a little better each day. Can't you just "share" your photos to yourself on email. Then they are on your computer, to save and share.

  4. Glad to hear your foot is improving enough that you can get around again. I love clean sheets day! I think it might take Dora a while to get used to a leash, but once she does she might look forward to walks with you.

  5. yes, I definitely want to see a picture of Dora on a leash taking a walk. glad to hear your foot is healing.


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