Gout Adventure Day Four

 I rested pretty well last night, despite three trips to the bathroom. Still painful to walk, but not as bad. Still drinking the cherry juice that makes my entire body pucker, and the ginger tea with a little honey to make it go down easier.

I stood long enough to load the washer and then to wash some dishes. That was all I could do and when I looked down at my foot it was swollen and a weird shade of purple. Sat back down and propped the offending foot up. So tired of sitting.

HeWho just delivered my dinner and then hauled the plate back to the kitchen. He has washed the dishes every day ...... and I only rewashed two and wiped the counters this morning. He keeps leaving to do things in my shed and now I am beginning to worry about my shed.

He has made more than two trips that he claims to have made to the hardware store. I thought to ask exactly where this new light fixture had been installed. It hasn't yet. Silly me, since this project began three days ago I thought that mabe it had been accomplished. I wonder what he does in my shed .....

I found a light fixture, an old track light and thought it would be nice to have a light over my new craft table I recently bought on Marketplace and set up, however I did not specufy exactly where I wanted it. I just mentioned it in passing before my recent confinement. Who knew he was listening?

Now I am worried, that is a good sign that I am healing, otherwise I wouldn't care, right? Maybe tomorrow I will be able to hobble up the drive and take a look a my shed! 


  1. I would be concerned, but not overtly worried at this point. Hope you can get up there soon.

    1. It just takes time to heal and flush the uric acid from my blood stream. I am just impatient.

  2. Your whole foot is swollen and purple? That doesn't sound good at all! I'd be heading off to a doctor or hospital, but where I live that's an easier trip than you would have. Take care.
    I am glad that HeWho is helping out more though.

    1. Not the trip so much, but I k now this is common with gout and am not particular worried.

  3. It is only purple when I am standing. I an make it out to my car now, but why go to the doctor whenall she will tell me is to keep on doing what I am doing. Time, just time and peeing a lot!

  4. It's good that you can diagnose yourself and prescribe treatment. Not knocking your doctor, who seems like a caring individual, but nobody can care as much as you do about your own health.

    1. It is a blessing and a curse! My primary, Amanda has begun to appreciate my abilities! I only go to the ER when I can't figure it out or it is really an emergency.

  5. purple foot? sounds like all that cherry juice is settling down there. I think I'd be concerned about what he was doing if it was my shed.

    1. Still haven't made it up there! Foot still hurts and it has been rainy and overcast.


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