Bout Of Gout

 I went in to the clinic yesterday and my primary agreed with my diagnosis on the gout and asked why I waited so long to get relief. Of course everything always begins on a weekend for me and I do not linger at the ER with something that is not an emergency. I was there to discuss one of my medications not covered by the new insurance and decided to share my gouty foot and confirm what I already knew.

On the way, I can't drive, since it is my right foot, HeWho told me to ask for the new drug just out for gout. "It is supposed to cure it in 24 hours!" First of all, there is no cure to speak of, it will only get you through the current bout. Bout of Gout. It rhymes! And, second of all, does he not know me at all? I don't do newly released drugs!

Since I am over the acute part, why would I want to take something that might have worse side effects than the malady? Amanda agreed with me, since I was already addressing the issue with natural remedies. She did, however, administer an injection to ease the swelling and fever in my foot.

In just a little over an hour I could literally feel the swelling draining from my toes! The tightness had lessened and I could wiggle my toes a little. I was amazed at the relief. 

I had been able to put a pair of shoes on my toes. My biggest pair of slip on shoes that are square toed and had more room. Not quite comfy, but enough to allow me to make it to the car and back. 

I slept like a log last night. I feel so much better. I didn't realize just how sleep deprived I was. The day is looking bright and supposed to be very nice this afternoon. I think a little walk uphill might be on my agenda. I just need to see what may need to be redone in my shed.

Awhile back, my brother-in-law gave HeWho a jacket he no longer wore. Leather and quite comfy, HeWho was proud to let it accompany his new style of hat. It became his go to jacket and his wife was happy that it replaced the ugly old Carhartt that was was ragged and stained with many spots of mud from many years of use.

This went on for a few weeks until the zipper became unusable. I knew I could just replace the zipper, though I was not looking forward to picking out all the stitches and then the stitches to the lining. Since my sewing machine is not working properly I put it off and the ugly jacket reappeared.

This turn of events had me looking into local sewing machine repairs, only to find that I would have to go over an hour away in either direction. Still I went online to look for a zipper in the right color and style. Eighteen dollars for a zipper sourced through Walmart. Inflation has left no stone (or zipper) unturned! I clicked it into my cart, sighing deeply.

Then I had another idea! Buy a jacket of the same color and length zipper at a thrift store for a few bucks and swap out the zippers. I am nothing if not a cheap genius. So I went to the closet and got the jacket out for a closer look (thank you, Seth Meyers) and discovered that the only thing the zipper needed was the piece that is inserted into the zipper in order to zip it up!

That would fall under "zipper findings". I doubted that Walmart would have the part and went to Joann's site to have a look-see. That prompted me to gasp, I might as well buy a new zipper! My mind was whirling to think of an alternative something that would suffice.

It just needed to be about a quarter inch long and be small enough to fit into the zipper and big enough to be able to fit the cloth of the zipper end into it. On a whim I clicked on TEMU. They had zipper findings! I had to buy both sides, well 10 sets of the zipper pull, as well as the side piece I needed.

They came and for less that $2 I fixed the zipper! I had to buy more stuff to get free shipping, but only $10. I was happy with all the stuff. I got a stencil of a dandelion. Bigger than a regular dandelion.

Maybe three feet high. I traced it onto the wall in my bedroom just to see what it would look like. I hate that wall board. I know it is the standard for Park Models and other RV's. Not to mention that the switch plate covers do not match (that is going to change). I used a charcoal pencil and I kind of like it. I am in a black and white, sepia mood ...


  1. Glad to hear you're feeling better. The flower is amazing! I hope you do something so it stays on the wall permanently.

    1. I really like it, too. I am thinking I should make more flowers, like a field of flowers above the chair rail with just the charcoal. It would camoflage the ugliness of the wall board. Besides if I don't like it I can wallpaper right over it. I got the stencil for my She Shed, thinking I would use colors on the end of the shed that faces the house and the woods. I got a butterfly stencil, too. It would be such a happy scene!

  2. Wow! You are a true MacGyver with the zipper parts! Glad you got some gout relief with the injection.

    1. I didn't ask what it was, but I could go for another shot now! It was like a miracle! There are times when my thrifty nature leads to some really thrifty solutions!

  3. I'm glad I live close enough to a Dry Cleaner that also does repairs, I can get new zippers inserted for $15. Which reminds me I have two clothing articles that need zippers before winter hits.
    I am glad you had the injection for your foot and it is easing now.

  4. $15 is a bargain with what zippers cost now! I can sew just about anything I want. My girls hated it and would beg for "store bought stuff". My oldest now sews, but the younger two showed no interest in it. Despite that I made all of them learn to sew a straight line, hem an article of clothing and put a new zipper in. Thay are as proficient as I am, but refuse to put their skills to work. I taught my granddaughter to sew and gave her a sewing machine. This led to my visits to Minnesota being a day of mending for me and Layla. I loved spending that time with her. She was an acceptiontionally sweet tempered child. always eager to please. Her teachers all loved her and she was on the honor roll her entire school career, graduated with honors and just graduated 4 years of college with honors, never having been off the dean's list. All of us under achiever family members just look at her in awe.


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