Stove Woes and New Dogs

 The delivery of the new stove went well without a hitch. It now sits in my kitchen proudly awaiting a cook. I was so happy, I decided to make biscuits the very next morning. I turned the oven on to pre-heat, then went about getting all the ingredients for breakfast together.

HeWho came into the kitchen and remarked that it was really hot in there. I turned to look at the stove and realized the cook top was hot and no burners were on. Someone who assured me he knew what he was doing put the wrong orifice thingies in the oven and upon opening the oven door we saw flames! I turned the oven off and asked how many more trips he would make to Home Depot to get the correct ones. I am always curious about things ....

He fiddled and diddled with the stove and discovered that one of the burners did not work. He called for a repairman, but they told him they would just bring a new stove ......... IN MARCH. I would cry, but that would accomplish nothing.

I don't even want to talk about this stove episode anymore. I am becoming quite proficient with toaster ovens and crock pots. Who needs a stove? HeWho decided NOT to make the oven work, since we would be getting a new stove.

We are having company this weekend. We will be eating out, since I can't very well cook for a crowd. Not to mention, I can't seat 9 people at a table unless we eat on the porch and weather dictates eating inside. 

HeWho's cousin that he hasn't seen in quite awhile is coming with his family. Though he would never say so, he is looking forward to the visit. Using this, I managed to get him to help me clean the porch. It was looking forlorn with dead leaves covering the floor and things that need to go to different areas just awaiting attention. 

Mr. BoJangles went out later and did a double take. He looked back inside and you could just see him thinking that he was on the wrong porch. He is such a happy little dog! His new passion is "tummy time". This occurs every morning after I get up and feed and the critters, then retire to the couch with my coffee. He climbs up next to me and turns to face me, sitting up on his haunches, and waits for me to tickle his tummy. He looks like a meer cat sitting up straight while I tickle and rub and even pull his fur. His head will loll to the side with his eyes half open. I think he would purr, if he could!

In other dog news .... I got a call from my daughter last weekend. She was at a flea market and found a sewing machine for me for only $40. Later she called again. No greetings, she just said she would never call me a crazy dog lady again. It was a facetime call and she moved the phone down to show me my new grand-dog. A little black and white Boston Terrier named Scarlett. She already has two dogs, Max and Gemma, and her son has the Frenchie named Bruno. So, four dogs at her house. I will post a picture of Scarlett as soon as she sends one.

I was informed that I would have to go to her house to get my sewing machine. No problem, it will give me an opportunity to see the nephew twins. We can use that as a stop on the way down. Might have to stay a couple of days. It takes time to kiss and love on two little boys!! 


  1. OK, I won't mention the stove, either.

  2. But I always want another chapter in the stove saga...its like a series, you know, Dallas kind of. But for your suffering I guess I can live without more episodes. Have fun with little ones, and doggies. A friend just said she's fostering 4 puppies, who are adorable...plot hound mix with something else. I can certainly refrain from their sweet love!

  3. At this rate, you might as well get a big kettle and cook over a fire, like Granny Clampett. Maybe HeWho can build you a cement pond.

  4. I was going to suggest the campfire kettle but Val got there first.

  5. just unfuckingbelievable. by the end of this you'll be able to write a to cook without a stove using just a toaster oven and a crockpot.


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