Mr. Fix It

 Chatting with my canine contingent just now, as I made myself a peanut butter and raisin toast sandwich. They could smell the peanut butter and looking up at me longingly. I grabbed their licky pad an smeared a big spoon of peanut butter for them to lick all of the crevices and said to them, "Look, you guys, this is plant based protein!". They don't really care, but I was just making conversation because it is what I do and they like the sound of my voice.

HeWho usually says "huh?" when I say something to him can apparantly hear my dog mom voice and said "Has it always been?" I suppose he was thinking of all the products marked "gluten free" that have always been gluten free. I hope that is what he was thinking, because, what is peanut butter? Ground peanuts that come from a plant. And .... this is proof he can hear me when he wants to!

Just the other night in the wee hours when all the world is asleep except me, I was watching a video on my laptop and had the volume up to hear what the steps were in this craft. Suddenly out of the dark, HeWho appeared with a frown and asked me to turn the volume down!!

Keep in mind that he does not wear his hearing aids to bed and the mighty wind of the loud box fan was blowing and he could HEAR the speaker on my laptop from the living room. Had I been a little sharper, I might have jumped to my feet and shouted "Hallelujah, it's a miracle, you can hear!!" but, alas, I was quite tired and mad that I could not just fall to sleep like he does!

I closed the laptop and went to bed and turned the TV on, in the room with the man who was disturbed by the speaker on my laptop. He was okay with that. I guess he just missed me and the canines in that bed all alone.

You may recall when I posted about him buying a new exhaust fan and light for the bathroom. Probably over a year ago. It sat in the shipping box for maybe a month or two when I asked for maybe the fourth time what it was. Oh, I knew after the first time I asked, I was just trying to goad him into an installation. I was curious about the two switches in the bathroom that did nothing.

He gave a big sigh of irritation, having that love affair with his phone and the recliner, brought the ladder inside and proceeded to take down the old unit. He couldn't seem to get the unit out after he removed the cover and it has been like that since, big hole in the ceiling with the guts of the old unit visible and occasionally dropping dust on the floor.

Like him, I had gotten used to it. It is pretty high up what with the vaulted ceiling, and I am low to the ground, vertically challenged. But after our company left, I asked him if he was embarassed to have them see his half-a$$ed attempt at installation. He gave no answer, but he did got get that ladder out of the tool shed and manage to get the old unit out and install the new one. It works! Even though it sits precariously crooked and looks like it might fall any minute. You just wait until we might have a visitor again! I bet he will get that ladder out and actually fix it!!


  1. I have no doubt you will figure out a way to get the job done correctly sooner rather than later :-)

    1. I could probably figure it out if I climber the ladder and looked at it for awhile, but I will leave this to be his conundrum! I have plenty of my own!

  2. At least your exhaust fan/light was just dangling. Ours had mouse turds, then when that was cleaned out and a trap placed in the attic, we had a dead mouse that was FLUSHED! All on the hush-hush, but a little Pony told me the details.

    1. Your little Pony is your best spy! I did not inspect the droppings that came from the fan, just dtuck the vacuum wand up there the catch the dangling stuff I could see, so I won't say there were no rodent by-products. I suppose there is nothin wrong with flushing a mouse, unless it gets caught in the plumbing and causes issues .... or comes back up and floats in the toilet bowl!!


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