
 While awaiting the newest stove delivery I have been working in my She Shed, but the last several days have been overcast, damp and chilly. This has kept me inside.

I tired quickly of Netflix and TV in general. Idle hands make me anxious, so I employed the help of HeWho sits and got down all the boxes of photos to sort. I have been saying I would get to them one day when I had nothing to do .....

Strolling down memory lane with each stack. I kept stopping to text pictures to my kids and laughing with them. Then I hit a stack that made me profoundly sad and happy all at the same time. It was pictures with my sister on a cruise with her friend that became mine, too. We had so much fun despite me being homesick.

Here we are departing. The winds were high! This is my sister. My big sister, always ready to take care of me. My only sibling.

This is Gloria, partner in crime to my sister's antics when I wasn't around. Three three of us indulged in a rum drink called "the Love Connection". After just one I was giddy. More than giddy. Yet, we ordered another and turned into three hysterical ladies. Everything was funny!

Gloria turned out to be the biggest flirt, much to my sister's dismay! Gloria and I started referring to her as Lady Etiquette. The young men were good sports. They were our servers and I am sure we weren't the only ladies of a certain generation flirting with them!

All dressed up for the captain's dinner.

Never again will I have that one person that I can talk to with just a look. I cried at this picture. I miss my sister, Gloria, too. I hope they reuntited in heaven and are looking down at their families who miss them.

My tears are bittersweet, remebering all the fun we had and missing her so much.


  1. I'm glad you found these pictures, too.

    1. I was more happy than sad, finally reaching that point in grief whenyou sile more than yu cry. Just miss her.

  2. I have been going through boxes of old photos too, tearing up any that aren't relevant, like a tiny speck of brown, a bison at the zoo, on a wide green field. Sorting photos into piles to give my kids.

    1. I have found a lot of duplicates and pictures that are meaningless. Getting rid of all of those. I have those acid free boxes and am putting each child's pictures in those and labeling them. That will make it easy for them to sort when I am gone.

  3. I've gifted an album to each of my three kids, with their growing up photos mainly. So they don't have the other's share that way, but maybe they will send them via internet. I still have one album to scan into a thumb drive...need to do that on one of those days when I haven't anything else to do.

    1. I have plenty of down time with nothig to do. I think HeWho's laziness is rubbing off on me!!

  4. I've purged the bad photos, but never thought about making boxes for each of the kids. I will add that to my 'do someday' list of projects.

    1. Limited space can be a good thing! It forces you to purge!

  5. Aww. Such good memories! When we sorted pictures my mom left, we wished ALL of them had names on the back, so we could figure out who they were.

    1. That's is something I didn't think of, I should label the backs of the pictures, too.

  6. Was looking for a post about a new stove. Uh, oh!

  7. I can certainly relate to missing that one person who knew you best having lost my big sister last November.


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