My Hero

 During our stay in Florida, I was plagued with dreams and what must have been nightmares. Maybe a premonition of my son's accident? Who knows?

I felt a push to the back of my head in the middle of the night. But, let me set the scene for you. We sleep in a king sized bed. This does not mean there is endless room to stretch out my legs and snuggle down into the warmth of my covers. Three canines share the space. They are not big dogs and Toni Louise usually starts out in bed and after some Mommy time and cuddles, she leaves to go to her bed on the floor next to her master's side of the bed.

That leaves a fat dachshund and a 13 lb. BoJangles. Bo loves to tunnel to the bottom of the bed and curl into a ball of warmth for my feet. Eddie likes to sleep between HeWho and me. One would think this means that I have warm feet and a nice little heater by my side. This would be ideal if I didn't overheat in the night and try to flee from the warm animals. This means I cling to the side of the bed in order not to fall out and usually wake with my feet sticking out to the side with very cold toes and my back or side drenched in sweat. They tend to follow my movements in order to be close to me. I wake in the middle of the night to gently move Eddie and then gently push Bo to the middle of the bed. This awakens him and he tunnels up to my pillow to share it with my head. Sort of atop my head.

While in the RV, this all happens just like at home in a queen bed. A queen RV bed. They are shorter than regular beds. This means I will sometimes flip around with my head at the foot of the bed to try to sleep. Bo will not attempt to over take my pillow, since he is afraid he will fall off the bed. Eddie ends up tucking his body along side my legs instead of my back.  

I was in this position, on my side, facing away from all my bed partners when I was rudely awakened by HeWho's foot. It startled me awake in the middle of a nightmare. I was told I was crying out and saying "NO". I don't remember what I was dreaming, as I was so suddenly brought awake. I usually remember my dreams. The next day the person attached to the foot that wakened me asked what I was yelling about.

I only remembered the waking up and feeling a sense of doom. I related to my daughter the next day that I had apparantly woke up her Dad and the dogs. He told her I woke the entire park (did not!!). I went on to create a tale of fantasy and told her that when I cried out in my sleep, her Dad took me gently into his arms and comforted me. We laughed and laughed. 

His excuse for using his foot? I was in the bed backwards. My hero. 


  1. Interesting sleeping...with all those others in the same bed. But a premonition of your son's accident? What happened?

  2. I can relate to the heat/cold issues, but don't have any critters to make it worse.

    1. I like their warm bodies when I initially get in bed, but when I get hot, not so much! Doxies are known for wanting to sleep close to their person. All of mine have. Oscar would bite anyone who got to close to me, as would Cujo. Eddie is nicer and so was little Emmy. I am fully protected in sleep. When Martha, the boy cat was still with us, we had 5 pets in bed!

    2. my husband's sister had a dachshund named Angel that slept under the covers by her feet. Oh how she loved that dog. Everybody loved her, she was just so cute, the runt of a litter.

    3. My favorite breed! I love really big dogs, but I cannot control them anymore, they are just too strong. We had Saint Bernards while our kids were growing up. They are such gentle giants. Doxies, on the other hand can be very demanding, but so loving. I love our mutt and Mr. BoJangles, but Eddie holds a special place in my heart.

  3. That's a scary accident for your son. The blow was probably similar to getting an uppercut from a boxer! No wonder he has a concussion. It may take a while for his head to clear. Genius slammed his head into the concrete-block gym wall while playing basketball, and it took him almost two weeks to recover from his concussion. It was more to the side of his head. Needed stitches for a cut in his eyebrow. You son's sounds more severe.

    My half-doxie Jack would cuddle with me, if he was allowed in the house. They are indeed very loyal and protective of their person. A harsh word from me to our other dogs would set him off barking in their face to scold them himself!

    1. It was equally traumatic to not be there! His sisters were scared, too. nothing like a serious injury to bring a family close.

  4. I hope your son's injury has no lasting effects and he gets better quickly. I couldn't possibly sleep in a bed with several dogs! I like my space. In winter Lola snuggles under the covers with me, but only until I am properly asleep, then she moves to the foot of the bed or to the TV chair. The only time she stays in the bed is when she has one of her migraines, then she is in there for three days sleeping it off. In summer, she sleeps anywhere else she pleases but not in or on the bed.

  5. Brain injuries take time to heal. My daughter-in-law can limit his screen time as effectively as I can. At this point I don't think I could sleep without dogs!


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